Administration Server informational events
The table below shows the events of Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server that have the Info importance level.
Administration Server informational events
Event type display name | Event type ID | Event type | Default storage term | Remarks |
Over 90% of the license key is used up | 4097 | KLSRV_EV_LICENSE_CHECK_90 | 30 days |
New device has been detected | 4100 | KLSRV_EVENT_HOSTS_NEW_DETECTED | 30 days |
Device has been automatically added to the group | 4101 | KLSRV_EVENT_HOSTS_NEW_REDIRECTED | 30 days |
Device has been removed from the group: inactive on the network for a long time | 4104 | KLSRV_INVISIBLE_HOSTS_REMOVED | 30 days |
Limit of installations will soon be exceeded (more than 95% is used up) for one of the licensed applications groups | 4128 | KLSRV_INVLICPROD_EXPIRED_SOON | 30 days |
Files have been found to send to Kaspersky for analysis | 4131 | KLSRV_APS_FILE_APPEARED | 30 days |
FCM Instance ID has changed on this mobile device | 4137 | KLSRV_GCM_DEVICE_REGID_CHANGED | 30 days |
Updates have been successfully copied to the specified folder | 4122 | KLSRV_UPD_REPL_OK | 30 days |
Connection to the secondary Administration Server has been established | 4115 | KLSRV_EV_SLAVE_SRV_CONNECTED | 30 days |
Connection to the primary Administration Server has been established | 4117 | KLSRV_EV_MASTER_SRV_CONNECTED | 30 days |
Databases have been updated | 4144 | KLSRV_UPD_BASES_UPDATED | 30 days |
Audit: Connection to the Administration Server has been established | 4147 | KLAUD_EV_SERVERCONNECT | 30 days |
Audit: Object has been modified | 4148 | KLAUD_EV_OBJECTMODIFY | 30 days | This event tracks changes in the following objects:
Audit: Object status has changed | 4150 | KLAUD_EV_TASK_STATE_CHANGED | 30 days | For example, this event occurs when a task has failed with an error. |
Audit: Group settings have been modified | 4149 | KLAUD_EV_ADMGROUP_CHANGED | 30 days |
Audit: Connection to Administration Server has been terminated | 4151 | KLAUD_EV_SERVERDISCONNECT | 30 days |
Audit: Object properties have been modified | 4152 | KLAUD_EV_OBJECTPROPMODIFIED | 30 days | This event tracks changes in the following properties:
Audit: User permissions have been modified | 4153 | KLAUD_EV_OBJECTACLMODIFIED | 30 days |
Audit: Encryption keys have been imported or exported from Administration Server | 5100 | KLAUD_EV_DPEKEYSEXPORT | 30 days |