Configuring virtual machine scan settings in a scan task

October 4, 2024

ID 83460

You can configure the virtual machine scan settings while creating the task (the Configure scan settings step) or in the task properties after its creation (the Scan settings section).

To configure the virtual machine scan settings:

  1. Select the security level at which Kaspersky Security scans virtual machines. To do so, in the Security level section, perform one of the following actions:
    • If you want to install one of the pre-installed security levels (High, Recommended, or Low), use the slider to select one.
    • To change the security level to Recommended, click the Default button.
    • If you want to configure the security level on your own, click the Settings button. In the Security level settings window that opens:
    1. In the Scanning archives and compound files section, specify the values of the following settings:
      • Scan archives
      • Delete archives if disinfection fails
      • Scan self-extracting archives
      • Scan embedded OLE-objects
      • Do not unpack large compound files
      • Maximum size of a scanned compound file N MB
    2. In the Performance section, specify the values of the following settings:
      • Limit file scan time
      • Scan files for no longer than N second(s)
    3. In the Objects to detect section, click the Settings button. In the Objects to detect window that opens, specify the values of the following settings:
      • Malicious tools
      • Auto-dialers
      • Adware
      • Other
      • Multi-packed files

      Kaspersky Security always scans virtual machine files for viruses, worms, and Trojans. That is why the Viruses and worms and Trojans settings in the Malware section cannot be changed.

    4. In the Objects to detect window, click OK.
    5. In the Security level settings window, click OK.

      If you have changed security level settings, the application creates a custom security level. The name of the security level in the Security level section changes to Custom.

  2. In the Scan powered-on virtual machines section, configure the settings for scanning virtual machines that are powered on while a task is running:
    • Action on threat detection
    • Scan optical drives
  3. In the Scan powered-off virtual machines and virtual machine templates section, configure the settings for scanning virtual machines that are powered off or paused while a task is running, as well as for scanning virtual machine templates:
    • Scan powered-off virtual machines
    • Scan virtual machine templates
    • Action on threat detection
  4. In the Stop scan section, choose one of the following options:
    • After N minute(s) since task launch
    • After completing scan of files on all protected virtual machines
  5. Save the changes by clicking Next (in the New Task Wizard) or Apply (in the task properties).

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