Kaspersky Security for Windows Server SNMP traps and their options
The SNMP traps options in Kaspersky Security for Windows Server are summarized as follows:
- eventThreatDetected: an object has been detected.
The trap has the following options:
- eventDateAndTime
- eventSeverity
- computerName
- userName
- objectName
- threatName
- detectType
- detectCertainty
- eventBackupStorageSizeExceeds: maximum Backup size exceeded. The total amount of data in Backup exceeds the value specified by Maximum Backup size (MB). Kaspersky Security for Windows Server continues to back up infected objects.
The trap has the following options:
- eventDateAndTime
- eventSeverity
- eventSource
- eventThresholdBackupStorageSizeExceeds: Backup free space threshold reached. The amount of free space in Backup is less than or equal to the value specified by Threshold value for space available (MB). Kaspersky Security for Windows Server continues to back up infected objects.
The trap has the following options:
- eventDateAndTime
- eventSeverity
- eventSource
- eventQuarantineStorageSizeExceeds: maximum Quarantine size exceeded. The total size of data in Quarantine has exceeded the value specified by the Maximum Quarantine size (MB). Kaspersky Security for Windows Server continues to quarantine probably infected objects.
The trap has the following options:
- eventDateAndTime
- eventSeverity
- eventSource
- eventThresholdQuarantineStorageSizeExceeds: Quarantine free space threshold reached. The amount of free size in Quarantine assigned by the Threshold value for space available (MB) is equal to or less than the specified value. Kaspersky Security for Windows Server continues to back up infected objects.
The trap has the following options:
- eventDateAndTime
- eventSeverity
- eventSource
- eventObjectNotQuarantined: Quarantine error.
The trap has the following options:
- eventSeverity
- eventDateAndTime
- eventSource
- userName
- computerName
- objectName
- storageObjectNotAddedEventReason
- eventObjectNotBackuped: Error while saving an object copy in Backup.
The trap has the following options:
- eventSeverity
- eventDateAndTime
- eventSource
- objectName
- userName
- computerName
- storageObjectNotAddedEventReason
- eventQuarantineInternalError: Quarantine internal error.
The trap has the following options:
- eventSeverity
- eventDateAndTime
- eventSource
- eventReason
- eventBackupInternalError: Backup error.
The trap has the following options:
- eventSeverity
- eventDateAndTime
- eventSource
- eventReason
- eventAVBasesOutdated: Anti-virus database is out of date. Number of days since the last time the Database Update task (local task, or group task, or task for sets of protected devices) was run.
The trap has the following options:
- eventSeverity
- eventDateAndTime
- eventSource
- days
- eventAVBasesTotallyOutdated: Anti-virus database is obsolete. Number of days since the last time the Database Update task (local task, or group task, or task for sets of protected devices) was run.
The trap has the following options:
- eventSeverity
- eventDateAndTime
- eventSource
- days
- eventApplicationStarted: Kaspersky Security for Windows Server is running.
The trap has the following options:
- eventSeverity
- eventDateAndTime
- eventSource
- eventApplicationShutdown: Kaspersky Security for Windows Server is stopped.
The trap has the following options:
- eventSeverity
- eventDateAndTime
- eventSource
- eventCriticalAreasScanWasntPerformForALongTime: Critical areas have not been scanned for a long time. Number of days since the last time the Critical Areas Scan task completed.
The trap has the following options:
- eventSeverity
- eventDateAndTime
- eventSource
- days
- eventLicenseHasExpired: License has expired.
The trap has the following options:
- eventSeverity
- eventDateAndTime
- eventSource
- eventLicenseExpiresSoon: License expires soon. Calculated as the number of days until the expiration date for the license.
The trap has the following options:
- eventSeverity
- eventDateAndTime
- eventSource
- days
- eventTaskInternalError: Task completion error.
The trap has the following options:
- eventSeverity
- eventDateAndTime
- eventSource
- errorCode
- knowledgeBaseId
- taskName
- eventUpdateError: Error while running the update task.
The trap has the following options:
- eventSeverity
- eventDateAndTime
- taskName
- updaterErrorEventReason