Kaspersky Security 11.x for Windows Server

Adding an RPC network storage to Kaspersky Security for Windows Server

June 10, 2022

ID 213191

To add an RPC network storage to the protection scope of Kaspersky Security for Windows Server:

  1. Open the RPC Network Storage Protection window.
  2. In the window that opens, go to the Protection scope tab.

    All items already protected by the task are listed in the Protection scope table.

  3. Click the Add button to add new item to the list.

    The RPC protection scope window opens.

  4. In the Name or IP address of network attached storage field, enter the domain name or IP address of the network attached storage.

    If you are using a NetApp storage system managed by NetApp Clustered Data ONTAP operating system, fill in this field by specifying the IP address of the computer on which the connector application is installed; in particular,

  5. Click OK to add the network attached storage to Kaspersky Security for Windows Server.

    The network attached storage appears in the list of protected network attached storages.

  6. Click the OK button.

The configured protection scope settings are saved.

Kaspersky Security for Windows Server connects to the network attached storage when the RPC Network Storage Protection task is launched. If you have specified an incorrect domain name or incorrect IP address for the network attached storage, the task returns an error. Kaspersky Security for Windows Server records information about this event in the system audit log and the task log.

If you are using a NetApp storage system managed by the NetApp Clustered Data ONTAP operating system, Kaspersky Security for Windows Server connects to the connector application installed on the protected server. You are recommended to make sure that the connection between the connector application and the NetApp storage system is configured correctly and that the added network attached storage is protected by Kaspersky Security for Windows Server.

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