Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response

Inviting new users in MDR Web Console

January 27, 2025

ID 200026

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To invite a new user to Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response:

  1. In the MDR Web Console window, navigate to the Settings menu item.

    The user list opens.

  2. Click the Add button located above the user list.

    The invitation card appears.

  3. In the Email field, specify an email address.
  4. In the User role field, specify a role for the new user.

    The following user roles are available:

    • MDR Administrator

      Only a user with the MDR Administrator role assigned can assign the MDR Administrator role to a new user.

    • Senior Security Officer
    • Security Officer
  5. If necessary, select the value (or values) in the Tenant drop-down list.

    Tenants that already exist in Console and have the Root without tenants value are suggested.

    The user can view only the assets and incidents related to the specified tenants. If you have assets and incidents not assigned to any tenants, the user can view them if you select the Root without tenants value.

    You can select the Root without tenants value, in addition to specifying tenant names.

  6. Click Invite.

    The invitation card disappears.

A message with the invitation link is sent from noreply@mail.account.uis.kaspersky.com to the specified email address.

The invited user must verify his or her email address by following the link from the message. The user cannot log in and use Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response until their email is verified. Permissions corresponding to the user role will be granted after the first login of the user.

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