How to create a My Kaspersky account
September 16, 2019
ID 71028
To create a My Kaspersky account:
- Open the main application window.
- Click the My Kaspersky button.
- In the My Kaspersky window, click the Sign in button.
The Connect to My Kaspersky window opens.
- Click the Create Account button.
- Enter your email address in the Email address field.
- Enter and confirm a password in the Password and Confirm password fields. The password must contain at least eight characters.
- Select the I agree to provide Kaspersky with my email address to receive personalized marketing offers check box if you want to receive Kaspersky notifications in your mailbox.
If you use the application in the European Union, this check box is named I confirm that I allow AO Kaspersky Lab to use my email address, first name, and last name to contact me by email about personalized special offers, reviews, surveys, order completion reminders, relevant news and events or I confirm that I allow AO Kaspersky Lab to use my email address to contact me by email about personalized special offers, reviews, surveys, order completion reminders, relevant news and events.
- Enter your first name in the Your first name field.
- Enter your last name in the Your last name field.
- Click the Create button.
A message will be sent to your email address, containing a link that you must click to activate your My Kaspersky account.
- Click the link to activate your account on My Kaspersky portal.
The field layout during creating an account is composed by Kaspersky experts and may change.