System Watcher settings
April 5, 2024
ID 68174
In the Exploit Prevention section, you can configure the actions that the application performs when executable files are run by vulnerable applications.
Monitor attempts to perform unauthorized operations
Action on detection of malicious or other activity
Action to perform if malicious or other activity can be rolled back
In the Protection against screen lockers section, you can configure the actions that are performed if screen locker activity is detected. Screen lockers are malicious programs that limit the user's operations on a computer, by locking the screen and the keyboard, or by blocking access to the taskbar and shortcuts. Screen lockers may attempt to extort ransom for recovery of access to the operating system. By using protection against screen lockers, you can close any screen locker by pressing a specified combination of keys.
Detect and close screen lockers
Use the following key combination to close a screen locker manually