Kaspersky Secure Mobility Management

About the license

September 10, 2024

ID 95885

A license is a time-limited right to use Kaspersky Secure Mobility Management, granted under the terms of the signed License Contract (End User License Agreement).

The scope of services and validity period depend on the license under which the application is used.

The following license types are provided:

  • Trial

    A free license intended for trying out the Kaspersky Secure Mobility Management.

    A trial license is valid for 30 days. When a trial license expires, the Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Android mobile app and the Kaspersky Security for iOS mobile app stop performing most functions, except for synchronization with the Administration Server. To continue using the app, you need to purchase a commercial license.

  • Commercial

    A paid license.

    When a commercial license expires, the mobile apps continue to work, but with limited functionality.

    In limited functionality mode, the following components are available depending on the app.

    • Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Android app:
      • Anti-Malware. Real-time Protection and malware scan of the device are available, but anti-malware database updates are not available.
      • Anti-Theft. Only sending commands to mobile device is available.
      • Synchronization with the Administration Server.

      Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Android stops exchanging information with Kaspersky Security Network, Google Analytics for Firebase, Firebase Performance Monitoring, and Crashlytics if the Kaspersky key is blocked, if a trial license expires or if a license is missing (the activation code is removed from the group policy).

    • Kaspersky Security for iOS app:
      • Synchronization with the Administration Server.

      Kaspersky Security for iOS stops exchanging information with Kaspersky Security Network if a trial license expires or if a license is missing (the activation code is removed from the group policy).

    The remaining components of the mobile apps are not available to the device user. You can use group policies to manage these components in limited functionality mode and cannot use group policies to configure other components of the apps.

    To continue using the apps in fully functional mode, you must renew your commercial license. We recommend renewing the license term or buying a new license before the current one expires, to ensure uninterrupted protection of your users' devices against all security threats.

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