Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack (KATA) Platform

Data in reports

February 16, 2024

ID 247486

Reports may contain user data. If the Central Node component is installed on the server, information about occurred events is stored indefinitely on the server with the component in the /data/var/lib/kaspersky/storage/pgsql/10/data/ directory. When the Central Node component is installed on a cluster, information is stored on storage servers.

Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform resources provide no capability to restrict the rights of the users of servers and operating systems to which the Central Node component is installed. The administrator is advised to use any system resources at their own discretion to control how the users of servers and operating systems with the application installed may be granted access to the personal data of other users.

Reports may contain the following information:

  • Report creation date.
  • Time period covered in the report.
  • ID of the user account that generated the report.
  • Report status.
  • Text of the report as HTML code.

See also

Traffic data of the Sensor component

Data in alerts

Data in events

Data on objects in Storage and quarantine

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