Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack (KATA) Platform

How to mitigate CVE-2023-48795 in Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform

Latest update: May 24, 2024 ID: 16027
Show applications and versions that this article concerns
  • Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform 6.1
  • Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform 6.0
  • Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform 5.1
  • Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform 5.0
  • Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform 4.1
  • Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform 4.0

To mitigate CVE-2023-48795:

  • For version 6.0: update Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform to version 6.0.1 and follow the instructions below on each Sandbox server.
  • For version 5.1 and earlier: if it is not possible to update the application, follow the instructions below on each Central Node, Sandbox and Sensor server.
  1. Switch to Technical Support Mode.
  2. Run the commands:
sudo su -
vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config

A file will open in a text editor.

  1. Check the opened file:
    • If there is no line that starts with the Ciphers directive, add the line:
      Ciphers aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,aes128-gcm@openssh.com,aes256-gcm@openssh.com
    • If there is a line that starts with the Ciphers directive, replace it with the line:
      Ciphers aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,aes128-gcm@openssh.com,aes256-gcm@openssh.com
  2. Save your changes and close the text editor.
  3. Run the command to restart the sshd service:
service sshd restart
  1. Run the command:
sshd -T | grep ciphers
  1. Make sure that the line chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com does not appear in the list after running the command.
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