Kaspersky Endpoint Security 12 for Linux

Enabling application stability monitoring

July 22, 2024

ID 275721

You can enable or disable the Kaspersky Endpoint Security stability monitoring that lets you track the number of times the application terminates abnormally and notify the administrator about the unstable operation of the application.

Configuring in the Web Console

In the Web Console, you can enable or disable application stability monitoring in the policy properties (Application settings General settingsApplication settings, Advanced application settings section).

The Enable application stability monitoring check box enables or disables monitoring of the state of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security application.

This check box is cleared by default.

To apply the setting, you must restart the application.

If the application is unstable, the following message is displayed in the properties of the device with the installed application: <Number> abnormal halts of the application since <date and time>.

Configuring in the Administration Console

In the Administration Console, you can enable or disable application stability monitoring in the policy properties (General settingsApplication settings, Advanced application settings section).

The Enable application stability monitoring check box enables or disables monitoring of the state of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security application.

This check box is cleared by default.

To apply the setting, you must restart the application.

If the application is unstable, the following message is displayed in the properties of the device with the installed application: <Number> abnormal halts of the application since <date and time>.

Configuring in the command line

In the command line, you can configure application stability monitoring using the TrackProductCrashes, ProductHealthLogFile, WarnThreshold, WarnAfter_#_crash and WarnRemovingThreshold settings in the kesl.ini configuration file.

The TrackProductCrashes setting lets you enable or disable application stability monitoring. This setting can take the following values:

  • Yes/true – enable application stability monitoring.
  • No/false – do not enable application stability monitoring.

The ProductHealthLogFile setting lets you specify the path to a file used for application stability monitoring. Default value: /var/opt/kaspersky/kesl/private/kesl_health.log.

The WarnThreshold setting lets you set the time interval (in seconds) in which the application must experience the specified number of abnormal halts before displaying a notification about unstable operation. Default value: 3600 seconds.

The WarnRemovingThreshold setting lets you set the time interval (in seconds) after which the application's unstable status will be cleared. Default value: 86400 seconds.

The WarnAfter_#_crash setting lets you set the number of abnormal halts of the application that are required before displaying a notification about unstable application operation. The setting can take values from 0 to 10. Default value: 10. If the value is 0, an unstable application notification is not displayed.

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