Configure File Threat Protection settings
Configure File Threat Protection settings
May 23, 2023
ID 189209
In the File Threat Protection window, do the following if necessary:
- Turn on/off File Threat Protection.
By default, File Threat Protection is turned on.
- Create a protection scope.
- Select the action to be performed upon detecting a malicious object.
- Select whether Kaspersky Endpoint Security will scan only new and modified files or all files.
- Select whether Kaspersky Endpoint Security will skip scanning of the read-only system volume on client computers.
- Select whether Kaspersky Endpoint Security will use iSwift technology while scanning files.
Note: iSwift allows Kaspersky Endpoint Security to use a special algorithm to exclude certain objects from scanning, which helps increase the scan speed.
- Select which types of files Kaspersky Endpoint Security will scan.
- Select the actions Kaspersky Endpoint Security takes for compound files.
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