Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Linux ARM Edition

About subscription

January 20, 2022

ID 161250

Subscription for Kaspersky Endpoint Security is a purchase order for the application with specific parameters (subscription expiry date, number of devices protected). You can order a subscription for Kaspersky Endpoint Security from your service provider (such as your ISP). A subscription can be renewed manually or automatically, or you may cancel your subscription. You can manage your subscription on the website of the service provider.

Subscription can be limited (for one year, for example) or unlimited (without an expiry date). To keep Kaspersky Endpoint Security working after expiry of the limited subscription term, you have to renew your subscription. Unlimited subscription is renewed automatically if the vendor's services have been prepaid on time.

In the case of limited subscription, upon its expiry you may be offered a grace period for renewing subscription, during which time the application will retain its functionality. The service provider decides whether or not to grant a grace period and, if so, determines the duration of the grace period.

To use Kaspersky Endpoint Security under subscription, you have to apply the activation code received from the service provider. After the activation code is applied, the active key is installed. The active key defines the license for using the application under subscription. An additional key can be installed only using an activation code and cannot be installed using a key file or under subscription.

The possible subscription management options may vary with each service provider. The service provider may not offer a grace period for renewing subscription, during which time the application will retain its functionality.

Activation codes purchased under subscription may not be used to activate previous versions of Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

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