Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security 3.x

Quarantine Scan

October 21, 2022

ID 148469

By default, after each database update, Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security performs the Quarantine Scan system task. The task settings are described in the table below. The Quarantine Scan task settings cannot be modified.

You can configure the task start schedule, start it manually, and modify the permissions of the account used to start the task.

After scanning quarantined objects following a database update, Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security may reclassify some of them as not infected: the status of such objects is changed to False alarm. Other objects may be reclassified as infected, in which case Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security handles such objects as specified by the Quarantine Scan task settings: disinfect, or delete if disinfection failed.

Quarantine Scan task settings

Quarantine Scan task setting


Scan scope

Quarantine folder

Security settings

The same for the entire scan scope; their values are provided in the next table

Scan settings in the Quarantine Scan task

Security setting


Scan objects

All objects included in the scan scope



Action to be performed with infected and other detected objects

Disinfect, delete if disinfection is impossible

Action to be performed on infected objects


Exclude objects


Do not detect


Stop scan if takes longer than (sec)

Not configured

Do not scan objects larger than (MB)

Not configured

Scan alternate NTFS streams


Boot sectors of drives and MBR


Using iChecker technology


Using iSwift technology


Scan compound objects

  • Archives*
  • SFX archives*
  • Packed objects*
  • Embedded OLE objects*

    * Scan only new and modified files is disabled.

Checking files for Microsoft signatures

Not performed

Use heuristic analyzer

Enabled with Deep analysis level

Trusted zone

Not applied

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