Kaspersky Unified Monitoring and Analysis Platform

Tcp type

June 18, 2024

ID 220739

When creating this type of connector, you need to define values for the following settings:

Basic settings tab:

  • Name (required)—a unique name for this type of resource. Must contain 1 to 128 Unicode characters.
  • Tenant (required)—name of the tenant that owns the resource.
  • Type (required)—connector type, tcp.
  • URL (required)—URL that you need to connect to. Available formats: hostname:port, IPv4:port, IPv6:port, :port.
  • Auditd is the toggle switch of the mechanism that groups auditd log event records received from a connector into a single event. Auditd only supports the \n delimiter, so if the toggle switch is enabled, the Delimiter field becomes unavailable.
  • Delimiter is used to specify a character representing the delimiter between events. Available values: \n, \t, \0. If no separator is specified (an empty value is selected), the default value is \n.
  • Description—resource description: up to 4,000 Unicode characters.

Advanced settings tab:

  • Buffer size is used to set a buffer size for the connector. The default value is 1 MB, and the maximum value is 64 MB.
  • Character encoding setting specifies character encoding. The default value is UTF-8.
  • Event buffer TTL is the time to live of the buffer for grouping records into a single auditd event. This field is available if the Auditd toggle switch is enabled. The countdown starts the moment when the first event line is received, or immediately after the previous TTL expires. Possible values: 50 ms to 3000 ms. The default value is 2000 ms.
  • TLS mode—TLS encryption mode using certificates in PEM x509 format:
    • Disabled (default)—do not use TLS encryption.
    • Enabled—use encryption without certificate verification.
    • With verification—use encryption with verification that the certificate was signed with the KUMA root certificate. The root certificate and key of KUMA are created automatically during program installation and are stored on the KUMA Core server in the folder /opt/kaspersky/kuma/core/certificates/.
    • Custom PFX – use encryption. When this option is selected, a certificate must be generated with a private key in PKCS#12 container format in an external Certificate Authority. Then the certificate must be exported from the key store and uploaded to the KUMA web interface as a PFX secret. Add PFX secret.

      When using TLS, it is impossible to specify an IP address as a URL.

  • Compression—you can use Snappy compression. By default, compression is disabled.
  • Debug—a toggle switch that lets you specify whether resource logging must be enabled. By default, this toggle switch is in the Disabled position.

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