Viewing alerts

The web interface of Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform displays the following types of alerts to inform users:

If a file was detected, the following information may be displayed in the program web interface depending on which program modules or components generated the alert:

If a website link was detected, the following information may be displayed in the program web interface depending on which program modules or components generated the alert:

If the program detects network activity of the IP address or domain name of a computer on a corporate LAN, the program web interface may display the following information:

If the program detects processes running on a corporate LAN computer where the Endpoint Sensors component is installed, the program web interface may display the following information:

In this Help section

Viewing information about an alert

General information about an alert

Information in the Object information section

Information in the Alert information section

Information in the Scan results section

Information in the Network event section

Information in the Sandbox scan results section

Information in the Remote hosts section

Information in the Hosts section

Information about network activity of the computer in the Processes section

Information in the User account details section

Information in the Modules loaded into the process section

Information in the Change log section

Sending alert data

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