General information about an alert

The header of the window containing the alert information displays the alert ID. The Apt_icon_VIPgroup or Apt_icon_VIPgroupKATA3 icon will be displayed next to the status depending on whether the alert has VIP status.

In the upper right corner of the window, alert status is displayed, depending on whether or not this alert has been processed by the Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform user.

The upper part of the window containing alert information may display the following general information about the alert:

See also

Viewing alerts

Viewing information about an alert

Information in the Object information section

Information in the Alert information section

Information in the Scan results section

Information in the Network event section

Information in the Sandbox scan results section

Information in the Remote hosts section

Information in the Hosts section

Information about network activity of the computer in the Processes section

Information in the User account details section

Information in the Modules loaded into the process section

Information in the Change log section

Sending alert data

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