Kaspersky Anti-Virus

How to change encrypted connections settings

Encrypted connections are established over the SSL and TLS protocols. By default, Kaspersky Anti-Virus scans such connections upon request from URL Advisor.

To change encrypted connections settings:

  1. Open the main application window.
  2. Click the Settings 2019.png button in the lower part of the window.

    The Settings window opens.

  3. Go to the Additional section.
  4. Click the Network link to go to the Network settings window.
  5. In the Encrypted connections scan click the websites link to open the Websites window.

    This window shows the list of websites where encrypted connections cannot be decrypted. Encrypted connections cannot be scanned on these websites. This list is updated by Kaspersky experts.

  6. Select an action to perform when connecting to websites over an encrypted connection:
    • Do not scan encrypted connections. The application does not scan encrypted connections.
    • Scan encrypted connections upon request from protection components. The application only scans encrypted connections upon request from URL Advisor. This action is selected by default.
    • Always scan encrypted connections. The application always scans encrypted connections.
  7. Select an action to perform if there are errors when scanning encrypted connections:
    • Ignore. If this action is selected, the application terminates the connection with the website on which the scan error occurred.
    • Ask. If there is an error when scanning encrypted connection with a website, the application shows a notification where you can select an action:
      • Ignore. The application terminates the connection with the website on which the scan error occurred.
      • Add website to exclusions. The application adds the website address to the list of exclusions. The application does not scan encrypted connections on websites from the list of exclusions. These websites are shown in the Websites with scan errors window.

      This option is selected by default.

    • Add website to exclusions. The application adds the website to the list of exclusions. The application does not scan encrypted connections on websites from the list of exclusions. These websites are shown in the Websites with scan errors window.
  8. Click the Websites with scan errors link to open the Websites with scan errors window. The application does not scan encrypted connections on these websites. However, the application checks addresses of these websites against the database of malicious URLs. If a website is found in the database of malicious URLs, the application terminates the connection with the website.
  9. Click the Manage exclusions to open the Exclusions window and perform the following actions:
    1. Click the Add button to add the website to the list of exclusions for encrypted connections scan.
    2. Enter the domain name of the website in the Domain name field.
    3. Click the Add button.

      The application will not scan encrypted connections with this website. Please note that adding a website to the list of exclusions may limit the functionality of scanning the website by URL Advisor.