Checking a website for safety
Kaspersky Anti-Virus allows checking the safety of a website before you click a link to open it. Websites are checked using URL Advisor.
The URL Advisor component checks links on a web page opened in Chromium-based Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, or Mozilla Firefox. Kaspersky Anti-Virus displays one of the following icons next to the checked link:
– if the linked web page is safe according to Kaspersky
– if there is no information about the safety status of the linked web page
– if a web page opened from a link could be used by criminals to harm your computer or data, according to Kaspersky
– if the linked web page is dangerous according to Kaspersky
To view a pop-up window with more details on the link, move the mouse pointer to the corresponding icon.
By default, Kaspersky Anti-Virus checks links in search results only. You can enable link checking on every website.
To enable link checking on websites:
- Open the main application window.
- Click the
button in the lower part of the window.
The Settings window opens.
- In the Protection section, select the Web Anti-Virus subsection.
The window displays the settings for Web Anti-Virus.
- In the lower part of the window, click the Advanced Settings link. The advanced settings window of Web Anti-Virus opens.
- In the URL Advisor section, select the Check URLs check box.
- If you want Kaspersky Anti-Virus to scan the content of all websites, select On all websites except those specified.
- If necessary, specify web pages that you trust in the Exclusions window. Open this window by clicking the Manage exclusions link. Kaspersky Anti-Virus will not scan the content of the specified web pages.
- If you want Kaspersky Anti-Virus to check the content of specific web pages only:
- Select On specified websites only.
- Click the Configure checked websites link to open the Checked websites window.
- Click the Add button.
- Enter the address of the web page whose content you want to check.
- Select the checking status for the web page (if the status is Active, Kaspersky Anti-Virus checks web page content).
- Click the Add button.
The specified web page appears in the list in the Checked websites window. Kaspersky Anti-Virus checks URLs on this web page.
- To configure the advanced settings for URL checking, in the Advanced settings of Web Anti-Virus window, in the URL Advisor section, click the Configure URL Advisor link to open the URL Advisor window.
- If you want Kaspersky Anti-Virus to notify you about the safety of links on all web pages, in the Checked URLs section, select All URLs.
- If you want Kaspersky Anti-Virus to display information about whether a link belongs to a specific category of website content (for example, Profanity, obscenity):
- Select the Show information on the categories of website content check box.
- Select the check boxes next to categories of website content about which information should be displayed in comments.
Kaspersky Anti-Virus checks links on the specified web pages and displays information about categories of the links in accordance with the selected settings.