Web Control

Web Control allows controlling actions by LAN users, by restricting or blocking access to web resources.

A web resource is an individual web page or several web pages, or a website or several websites that have a common feature.

Web Control provides the following options:

All restrictions and blocks that are applied to access to web resources are implemented as web resource access rules.

Web Control component settings



Default rule

The Default rule is a rule of access to web resources that are not covered by any of the selected rules. Available values:

  • Allow all except the rules list
  • Deny everything except the rules list

Rule List

A table with web resource access rules.

Message templates

  • Warning. The entry field consists of a template of the message that is displayed if a rule for warning about attempts to access an unwanted web resource is triggered.
  • Blockage. The entry field contains the template of the message that appears if a rule which blocks access to a web resource is triggered.
  • Message to administrator. The entry field contains the template of the message to be sent to the LAN administrator if the user considers the block to be a mistake.

See also: Managing the application via the local interface

Enabling and disabling Web Control

Web resource content categories

About web resource access rules

Actions with web resource access rules

Migrating web resource access rules from previous versions of the application

Exporting and importing the list of web resource addresses

Editing masks for web resource addresses

Editing templates of Web Control messages

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