Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows 11.1.1

Exporting and importing the list of web resource addresses

If you have created a list of web resource addresses in a web resource access rule, you can export it to a .txt file. You can subsequently import the list from this file to avoid creating a new list of web resource addresses manually when configuring an access rule. The option of exporting and importing the list of web resource addresses may be useful if, for example, you create access rules with similar parameters.

To export a list of web resource addresses to a file:

  1. In the main application window, click the Settings button.
  2. In the left part of the window, in the Security Controls section, select Web Control.

    In the right part of the window, the settings of the Web Control component are displayed.

  3. Select the rule whose list of web resource addresses you want to export to a file.
  4. Click the Edit button.

    The Rule of access to web resources window opens.

  5. If you do not want to export the entire list of web resource addresses, but rather just a part of it, select the required web resource addresses.
  6. To the right of the field with the list of web resource addresses, click the wc_export button button.

    The action confirmation window opens.

  7. Do one of the following:
    • If you want to export only the selected items of the web resource address list, in the action confirmation window, click the Yes button.
    • If you want to export all items of the list of web resource addresses, in the action confirmation window, click the No button.

      The standard Save as window of Microsoft Office opens.

  8. In the Save as Microsoft Windows window, select the file to which you want to export the list of web resource addresses. Click the Save button.

To import the list of web resource addresses from a file into a rule:

  1. In the main application window, click the Settings button.
  2. In the left part of the window, in the Security Controls section, select Web Control.

    In the right part of the window, the settings of the Web Control component are displayed.

  3. Do one of the following:
    • If you want to create a new web resource access rule, click the Add button
    • Select the web resource access rule that you want to edit. Then click the Edit button.

    The Rule of access to web resources window opens.

  4. Do one of the following:
    • If you are creating a new web resource access rule, select To individual addresses from the Apply to addresses drop-down list.
    • If you are editing a web resource access rule, go to step 5 of these instructions.
  5. To the right of the field with the list of web resource addresses, click the wc_import button button.

    If you are creating a new rule, the standard Microsoft Windows Open file window opens.

    If you are editing a rule, a window requesting your confirmation opens.

  6. Do one of the following:
    • If you are editing a new web resource access rule, go to step 7 of these instructions.
    • If you are editing a web resource access rule, do one of the following actions in the action confirmation window:
      • If you want to add imported items of the list of web resource addresses to the existing ones, click the Yes button.
      • If you want to delete the existing items of the list of web resource addresses and to add the imported ones, click the No button.

    The Open file window in Microsoft Windows opens.

  7. In the Open file window in Microsoft Windows, select a file with a list of web resource addresses to import.
  8. Click the Open button.
  9. In the Rule of access to web resources window, click OK.