Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows 11.1.1

Actions with web resource access rules

You can take the following actions on web resource access rules:

  • Add a new rule
  • Edit a rule
  • Assign priority to a rule

    The priority of a rule is defined by the position of the line containing a brief description of this rule within the access rules table in the settings window of the Web Control component. This means that a rule that is higher in the access rules table has a higher priority than one that is located below it.

    If the web resource that the user attempts to access matches the parameters of several rules, Kaspersky Endpoint Security performs an action according to the rule with the highest priority.

  • Test a rule.

    You can check the consistency of rules by using the Rules diagnostics function.

  • Enable and disable a rule.

    A web resource access rule can be enabled (operation status: On) or disabled (operation status: Off). By default, after a rule is created, it is enabled (operation status: On). You can disable the rule.

  • Delete rule

In this section:

Adding and editing a web resource access rule

Assigning priorities to web resource access rules

Testing web resource access rules

Enabling and disabling a web resource access rule