Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Linux Nodes

Viewing a task state

To view a task state, execute the following command:

kics-control --get-task-state <task ID>|<task>|<task name>


  • <task ID> is the task ID that the application assigned to the task when it was created.

The application tasks can have one of the following states:

  • Started—Task is running.
  • Starting—Task is being launched.
  • Stopped—Task has been stopped.
  • Stopping—Task is stopping.

The Scan_My_Computer, Scan_File, Critical_Areas_Scan, Container_Scan, and Custom_Container_Scan tasks can also have one of the following states:

  • Pausing — Task is pausing.
  • Suspended — Task is suspended.
  • Resuming — Task is resuming.

The Backup and License tasks cannot be started, suspended, or stopped. They can have only the Started state.