Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Linux Nodes

Add a key

You can use the Add key task to add a key to activate Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Linux Nodes.

Add a key task settings



Use as a reserve key

This check box enables or disables the usage of the key as a reserve key.

If this check box is selected, the application uses the key as a reserve key.

If this check box is cleared, the application uses the key as an active key.

This check box is cleared by default.

The check box is unavailable if you are adding a trial license key or a subscription key.

A trial license key and a subscription key cannot be added as a reserve key.

License information

This section contains information about the key and the license corresponding to this key:

  • Key is the unique alphanumeric sequence.
  • License type can be trial, commercial, or commercial (subscription).
  • License validity period is the number of days during which you can use the application activated by this key (for example, 365 days). This information is not displayed if you use the application under a subscription.
  • Expires on is the date and time when the application activated by this key expires, in UTC. If you use the application under an unlimited subscription, the license expiration date is not specified.
  • Limit is the maximum number of devices that the application can protect.
  • Application name is the name of the application for which you add the activation key.


Clicking this button opens the Kaspersky Security Center key storage window. In this window, you can select keys added to Kaspersky Security Center key storage and add keys to Kaspersky Security Center key storage.