Working with the network map

The network map is a visual representation of monitored communications between industrial network devices. You can use the network map to view information about communication between devices during various time periods.

The following objects may be displayed on the network map:

Nodes and links appear on the network map based on data received from traffic for a specific time interval. Asset groups are continually displayed.

If necessary, you can filter nodes and links. By default, the network map displays objects in online mode with a defined filtering period of one hour.

Objects requiring attention are visually distinguished on the network map. The application considers the following to be objects requiring attention:

In this section:

Nodes on the network map

Groups of assets on the network map

Links on the network map

Viewing details about objects

Changing the network map scale and positioning

Collapsing and expanding groups

Moving nodes and groups to other groups on the network map

Pinning and unpinning nodes and groups

Manually changing the location of nodes and groups

Automatic arrangement of nodes and groups

Filtering nodes and links by time of communication

Filtering nodes on the network map

Filtering links on the network map

Saving and loading network map display settings

Resetting the defined filter settings on the network map

Searching nodes on the network map

Viewing events associated with nodes of known assets

Viewing events associated with a link

Viewing information in the assets table for selected nodes

Viewing information in the assets table for a selected link

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