Data provision under the End User License Agreement outside the territory of the European Union
This section contains information on the specific data that are provided to Kaspersky if you have installed the application version which is not intended for use in the European Union.
You agree to automatically submit the information specified below to AO Kaspersky Lab via the installed software (hereinafter "the Software"), the rights to which belong to AO Kaspersky Lab (hereinafter "Kaspersky" or "the Rightholder"), for the purposes of improving the quality of real-time protection and generating the most suitable informational and advertising offers, improving the performance of the software and the speed of identification and rectification of errors associated with the mechanism for installation, removal and update of the software, and accounting for the number of users:
- Information on the checksums of files being processed (MD5 and SHA256), the number of file runs and the file format, the ID of the version of software configurations, information needed to determine the reputation of a URL (the URL whose reputation is requested, the ID of the connection protocol and the number of the port used), the full version and type of utilized software, the unique software installation ID, information about the types of threats detected, the ID of the detected threat in the threats database, the name of the threat according to the Rightholder's classification, the ID of the scan task that detected the threat, information on utilized digital certificates and the information necessary to verify their authenticity, checksums (SHA256) of the certificate with which the scanned object is signed, and the public certificate key, the ID of the type of authentication when connecting to the Wi-Fi network, the checksums (SHA256) received when using the unique computer ID, the unique ID of the software installation on the computer, the name of the wireless network and the MAC address of the access point, the list of available Wi-Fi networks at the moment when the data is submitted, the domain name and checksum (SHA256) of the path from the URL of the Internet access provision service, the values of the security settings and the WPS access points (Wi-Fi Protected Setup). Data on additional technical specifications of the applied detection technologies, indicator of whether the installed software is connected to My Kaspersky, the list of devices supporting the UPnP protocol (manufacturer, name, model (if the information is available), the date of last connection, the IP address of the user, the date when statistics were received from My Kaspersky, the name of the Wi-Fi network (SSID) to which the computer is connected when data is transmitted, the checksums (MD5 and SHA256) of the MAC address (BSSID) of the access point, the checksums (MD5 and SHA256) of the MAC address (BSSID) of the access point with the modifier, the array of WPS parameter structures from access points with enabled technology (the checksum of the device name, model number, model designation, and manufacturer), the values of DHCP settings (the structure of checksums (SHA256) with the modifier from IPv4 addresses and mask received over DHCP after connecting to the Wi-Fi network, the checksums of the Gateway Local IP, DHCP IP, DNS1 IP, DNS2 IP, and subnet mask), the values of DHCP IPv6 settings (the structure of checksums (SHA256) with the modifier from IPv6 addresses and mask received over DHCP after connecting to the Wi-Fi network, the checksums of the Gateway Local IPv6, DHCP IPv6, DNS1 IPv6, DNS2 IPv6, and the subnet mask), the list of available Wi-Fi networks, information about the 7 networks with the best signal, and the types of authentication and encryption.
- Information on the checksums (MD5 and SHA256) of files being processed, their packers (if the files were packed), the source containers of files (if available), the size of the file containers, information needed to determine the reputation of a URL (the URL whose reputation is requested, the ID of the connection protocol, and the utilized port number), the full version, ID, and type of the utilized software, digital ID of the build in the build customization system, the name of the scanned file or archive, if the file was packed, the full path to the file (or archive), not including the file name itself, the name of the threat according to the Rightholder's classification, additional technical specifications of the applied scan technologies, FNew service responses sent to the User (an array of checksums (MD5) of patterns computed for the file, the types of patterns, versions of databases and consolidator result), status of the scan task, indicator of whether the installed software is connected to My Kaspersky, the ID issued by the password storage service when the User is successfully authenticated, the list of unique IDs of advertisement messages, the checksums of the names of applications, the presumed botnet IP address, URL or part of it from the link to the network resource requiring the User to perform certain actions for accessing the Internet (for example, when connecting to a free Wi-Fi network in the subway, etc.); the URL after the domain name is given as a checksum.
- Information about the computer (its ID and type), utilized software and its settings, the bit rate, type, revision, version, update package number of the operating system (hereinafter "OS") installed on the computer, information about incompatible software, if the User accepted the Kaspersky Security Network Statement, the unique ID of the User in the Rightholder's services, the type, version, localization ID of the installed software in accordance with international standards for language codes ISO 639-1 and ISO 639-2, the previous language localization, the alphabet code of the installed software's localization language in accordance with international standard ISO 15924, the country code in accordance with international standard ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2, the software customization code, the ID corresponding to the full name of the software, the software operating mode, IDs of applications that may be activated on the User's computer, a list of applications that are compatible with the current software, the integral software security status, the protection component status, information about the utilized license (the status, type of license (if the software is activated), the ID of the active license, validity period, number of days that have elapsed since the license took effect, the number of days until the license expires, the number of days that have elapsed since the license expired, an indicator of software activation using Activation Service 1.0, the key if the software was activated by an old-format key or by an activation code from Activation Service 1.0, ID of the sequence of utilized licenses, order number for which the current license was issued, the ID of the pricelist item for which the current license was issued, the type and version of the End User License Agreement, an indicator of whether the User agrees to the terms of the End User License Agreement, the time when acceptance of the End User License Agreement was canceled, the type and current status of the subscription, the cause of the current status or change in the subscription status, the subscription expiration date, the character-based ID of the element of the software's user interface in which the User decided to purchase the software, the indexed array of integers and strings used by the service provider to transmit additional information, the ID of the information scheme used by the service provider, the list of ignored problems, an indicator of changes made to information about license usage for familiarization purposes, and an array of software capabilities. There will also be information provided about the contents, checksum (SHA1) and type of certificate, the value of the Redirect Service parameter, the IDs of the User's computer (PCID, checksum from Machine ID, Windows SID, Windows crypto GUID), class (model) of the USB device, manufacturer, name (if the information is available), the date of last connection, checksums of mail messages, version of the protocol for interaction with URL check service, the previous set of data for a URL reputation request, and the set of URLs for searching in KSN.
- Information about hardware installed on the computer, information on the manufacturer, model, and capacity of the hard drive (HDD), the checksum of the serial number of the hard drive (HDD) or of a random number if the serial number cannot be determined, the size of the physical and virtual memory, the RAM manufacturer and RAM amount, the manufacturer and model of the motherboard, the manufacturer and name of the BIOS application, the model and quantity of cores in the installed processor, the manufacturer and model of the video card and the size of the video RAM, the manufacturer and type of network adapter, its data transfer speed, the manufacturer and name of the monitor, the manufacturer and model of the computer, the manufacturer, model and type of computer housing, and the battery indicator. Information about the devices connected to the computer: the class/model of the device, the manufacturer of the device and name, unique ID, and the date on which the device was last connected to the computer. Information about devices that support the UPnP protocol, the name of the manufacturer, model and name of the device, as well as the date of last connection. Information about the system load, the free and used memory, and the size of free disk space.
- Information about all installed applications, the name and version of the installed application, the versions of the installed updates, the name of the publisher, the date of installation and the full path to the installation folder on the computer, and the configuration (settings) of applications and browsers.
- The name of the computer on the network (local and domain name), regional OS settings (information on the time zone, the default keyboard layout, and interface language), UAC settings, OS network firewall settings and its activity indicator, OS parental control settings, and Windows Update settings.
- Name and location of any file on the computer.
- General information about the device, the network name, device type, the type of token, an indicator of the need to return a token by the notification service, the ID that is issued to software by the device identification service upon successful registration or authentication of a "user+device" link (session token), the ID of the device on My Kaspersky, the previous ID of the software on My Kaspersky, a one-time password for automatic connection of software, contents of the list of problems on My Kaspersky, information about a triggered entry (its ID, status, and type), and the time when the entry was added to the database, the type of area in which the event occurred, and the contents of the recommendations for the list of problems on My Kaspersky.
- Aggregated information about User activity on the computer, the duration of the User's interaction with the computer, the period of information aggregation, the total number of events during this period, and aggregated information about processes started by the User in the system, the name of the process, the total number of times the process was run, the total duration of its operation, the checksum (CRC64) of the account name from which the process was started, the full path to the process file, information about the software to which the process is associated (name, description, manufacturer, and version), the total number of times the software window was displayed, and the total duration of its display, statistical parameters of the window name, the name localization language and the distribution of words in the name.
- Information about visited websites, the website address, domain parts of web addresses that the User entered into the address bar of the browser or that the User opened from search systems.
- Information about use of the software's graphical user interface, the time of User interaction with the interface, the IDs of the utilized control elements, and the type of user interaction with the interface.
- Value of the update task TARGET filter, information about Device Guard mode being enabled, the name of the scanned file, its path and path template code, checksums (MD5 and SHA256) and size (in bytes) of the file and its packer (if the file has been packed), the date when the entry was added to the database, information about the triggered entry in the database if a threat was detected, the error code and category, the status of anti-virus databases and the software update procedure, the unique ID of the update task start, the status of the anti-virus database update task, the full version of the software that is being updated, IDs of third-party applications that were offered for installation as well as the applications that were selected by the User for installation and that were installed together with the software, and the ID of the message that the software sends to My Kaspersky.
- Information about the date of installation and activation of the software on the computer, the duration of the software installation task, the ID of the installation task, the type of software installation on the computer (first installation or upgrade), indicator of installation success or the installation error number, information about acquired activation codes, the activation code that is currently activated by the software, the previous activation code, the unique ID of the User (Kaspersky User ID), the type of User account, information about linking of the activation code to a User (the unique ID of the User on My Kaspersky, the activation code, type of license ownership, KPC Infra signature), update number, ticket received from the activation service, the ticket header, code of the partner for whom the customization was developed, the symbol code confirming that the software was developed for a specific partner; the sales channel, ID, full name or name and country of the partner from whom the license was purchased, the order number used by the partner, and an indicator of the User's participation in KSN.
- ID of the software installation on the computer, full version of the installed software, ID of the software type, and the unique ID of the computer on which the software is installed.
- ID of the component and ID of the scenario that requested file or URL reputation.
- ID of the user of the partner website who downloaded the software distribution package, ID of the retail item.
To improve the quality of protection of the User performing payment transactions on the Internet, you agree to automatically provide the financial website with information about the name and version of the Software and the Software customization setting, the ID of the Software plug-in in the browser used to access the financial website, and the ID showing whether a safe browser or a regular browser was used.
The information transmitted does not contain any personal data or other confidential information of the User and is needed for the operation of the Rightholder's Software, unless expressly stated otherwise.
The information received is protected by the Rightholder in the manner prescribed by the law and is required for the operation of the Software made available to use under the license.
Kaspersky may use the acquired statistical data based on the information received to monitor trends in computer security threats and publish reports on those threats.