Kaspersky Security Center API description
IWebUsersSrv Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 SendEmail (params pParams, wstring wstrRequestId)
 Send an email to multiple recipients.

How to embed QR-code pictures into html body ("QrCodes" array):
Set "EmbedQrCodes" value to true if you want to embed QR-code pictures into html rather then sending them as attachments.
Pictures will be embedded into html using pattern '<div id="qrcode<arrayIndex>"><img src="cid:<"QrCodePicture">"></div>' which will pe appended to the end of "MailBody" (in respect of the order they appear in "QrCodes" array)

For example, embedding of the first qr-code picture from "QrCodes" array would look like:
<div id="qrcode0"><img src="cid:example.png"></div>

You can also css-style that div using its id inside of your html message body.

Detailed Description

Operating with emails