- Kaspersky Safe Kids for Android/iOS overview
- Using My Kaspersky
- Subscription & Account
- Data provision
- Get started on Android
- Get started on iOS
- Internet use monitoring
- Application monitoring
- Device use monitoring
- Location monitoring
- Battery level monitoring
- Alerts on your child's activity
- Child's requests
- Known issues
- How to get technical support
- View a summary of your child's activities
- Sources of information about the app
- For beta testers
- Legal
Kaspersky Safe Kids for Android/iOS overview
Kaspersky Safe Kids monitors your children's safety on the Internet and in daily life. You decide what is safe for your children: what websites they can visit, how far away from home they can walk, and how many hours they can spend using the computer or smartphone. The application ensures that your children follow the rules you have set.
Kaspersky Safe Kids is suitable for children of any age. When you specify the child's birth year in Kaspersky Safe Kids, the application automatically chooses settings appropriate for that age.
When your children surf the Internet, Kaspersky Safe Kids helps you:
- Show your children only safe Internet search results. For example, Kaspersky Safe Kids hides pages with adult content.
- Stop your children from visiting unsafe websites by restricting a specific category (such as gambling websites).
- Find out what websites your children have visited.
- Learn about your children's social networks posts and the friends your children communicate with.
- Help your children spend less time on the Internet by setting time limits on Internet use.
- Block access to all websites, if needed.
When your children spend time on the computer, tablet or smartphone, Kaspersky Safe Kids helps you:
- Learn how much time your children have spent on the devices.
- Help your children spend less time on devices by setting time limits on device use.
- Limit use of specific applications or all applications in a specific category (such as computer games) to help your children make time for homework and other activities.
- Block use of applications that are not age-appropriate for your children.
When you are not with your children, Kaspersky Safe Kids helps you:
- Check your children's location on a map.
- Set up a safe area on a map and receive notifications if your children go outside the safe area.
- Receive alerts about the children's activity by email or notifications on your smartphone.
- Receive and answer requests made by your children via Kaspersky Safe Kids.
Kaspersky Safe Kids can be installed on Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS devices.
To monitor your children's safety, install Kaspersky Safe Kids on each device they use.
Kaspersky Safe Kids settings
You change Kaspersky Safe Kids default settings and view reports about your children's activity in the Kids section on
. To sign in to My Kaspersky, you need a .You can also install Kaspersky Safe Kids on your smartphone, set the app for parent's use and check settings, notifications, and reports in the app.
Page topKaspersky Safe Kids features on Android/iOS
You can install Kaspersky Safe Kids for Android/iOS on the child's mobile device and the parent's mobile device. Mobile devices with Kaspersky Safe Kids installed are automatically connected to the My Kaspersky.
App functions available on your child's device
When Kaspersky Safe Kids is set up on your child's mobile device, it does the following:
- Protects your child against unwanted online content (with Safe browser feature on the child's iOS devices).
- Monitor app usage (for child's Android devices only).
- Locates your child's device in real time.
- Works as a browser for safe Internet surfing. This feature is only available on your child's iOS devices.
- Monitors how long the device is used by your child.
Child protection settings are not available in the app installed on your child's device. You can set up child protection on the My Kaspersky or in the app installed on the parent's device.
App functions available on the parent's device
When Kaspersky Safe Kids is set up on a parent's mobile device, it lets you:
- Check the location of your child's mobile devices on a map and set allowed areas for your child.
- Receive alerts about your child's activity on the device, in apps, and on the Internet.
- Configure Kaspersky Safe Kids protection settings for your child's devices.
- View summary of your child's activities.
All actions available on the parent's mobile device can also be performed on My Kaspersky, where you can also view detailed reports about all of your child's activities on the devices.
Hardware and software requirements
This Help is applicable to Kaspersky Safe Kids for Android 1.52.0.XXX and to Kaspersky Safe Kids for iOS 1.60.0.XXX and later.
A device must meet the following requirements to support Kaspersky Safe Kids for Android:
- Device type: smartphone or tablet
- Screen resolution: 320x480 DPI or higher
- Operating system: Android 4.4 and later
- Internet connection
Kaspersky Safe Kids for Android should be installed in the main memory of the device (not on a removable memory card). Moreover, on Android, Kaspersky Safe Kids may be instable if there is a small amount of RAM on the device.
A device must meet the following requirements to support Kaspersky Safe Kids for iOS:
- Operating system: iOS 12.X and later
- Internet connection
Hardware and software requirements
This Help is applicable to Kaspersky Safe Kids for Android 1.52.0.XXX and to Kaspersky Safe Kids for iOS 1.60.0.XXX and later.
A device must meet the following requirements to support Kaspersky Safe Kids for Android:
- Device type: smartphone or tablet
- Screen resolution: 320x480 DPI or higher
- Operating system: Android 4.4 and later
- Internet connection
Kaspersky Safe Kids for Android should be installed in the main memory of the device (not on a removable memory card). Moreover, on Android, Kaspersky Safe Kids may be instable if there is a small amount of RAM on the device.
A device must meet the following requirements to support Kaspersky Safe Kids for iOS:
- Operating system: iOS 12.X and later
- Internet connection
Manage Kaspersky Safe Kids on My Kaspersky
All Kaspersky Safe Kids settings are managed in the Kids section on the My Kaspersky website. After you change Kaspersky Safe Kids settings, they are synced between the My Kaspersky website and the installations of Kaspersky Safe Kids on your children's devices.
You can review and adjust the following settings on My Kaspersky:
- Add, edit, or delete children's details.
- Restrict access to specific websites and applications.
- Block access to all websites or set up an allowlist of websites.
- Limit device use time.
- Limit application use time.
- Select a safe area for your child on a map.
- Respond to your child's requests.
You can also monitor your child's activity:
- Locate your child's mobile devices.
- Check your child's social networks posts.
- View daily reports about your child's activity.
About the subscription
A subscription for Kaspersky Safe Kids Premium is the purchase of the right to use the application according to specific parameters (for example, subscription expiration date, number of devices).
You can manage your subscription via your personal account page on the service provider's website (for example, via App Store, Google Play or Huawei AppGallery).
A subscription can be renewed automatically or manually. An auto-renewed subscription automatically renews at the end of each subscription period until you cancel it. A manually renewed subscription must be renewed at the end of each subscription period. When a manually renewed subscription expires, you might be granted a grace period, during which the application remains fully functional.
Buying a license or ordering a subscription for Kaspersky Safe Kids Premium does not cancel your other subscriptions that include Kaspersky Safe Kids Premium. To avoid additional charges, make sure you have canceled or disabled autorenewal for subscriptions that you don't need.
Cancel a subscription for Kaspersky Safe Kids Premium or switch to manual renewal:
- Go to your personal account page on the service provider's website.
- Check if there are any active subscriptions that include Kaspersky Safe Kids Premium.
- Cancel or disable autorenewal for subscriptions that you don't need.
Activate the Premium version of the app
To use all features of the app, activate the Premium version of Kaspersky Safe Kids on the parent's device.
You must have a working Internet connection to activate the Premium version of the app.
Activating the Premium version of the app on Android device
Activating the Premium version of the app on iOS device
Activation of Kaspersky Safe Kids can take some time. Until the activation process is complete, the limitations of the free version are applied. If the application has not been activated, contact Technical Support.
You can also purchase a subscription in the online store or on My Kaspersky.
If you purchase a subscription, Kaspersky Safe Kids apps on all devices connected to your My Kaspersky account will switch to the Premium version.
Page topView a summary of your child's activities
You can view a summary of your child's activities on the parent's mobile device with Kaspersky Safe Kids installed or on My Kaspersky.
On the parent's Android device:
View a summary of child's activities
On the parent's iOS device:
View a summary of child's activities
Page topManage Kaspersky Safe Kids on My Kaspersky
All Kaspersky Safe Kids settings are managed in the Kids section on the My Kaspersky website. After you change Kaspersky Safe Kids settings, they are synced between the My Kaspersky website and the installations of Kaspersky Safe Kids on your children's devices.
You can review and adjust the following settings on My Kaspersky:
- Add, edit, or delete children's details.
- Restrict access to specific websites and applications.
- Block access to all websites or set up an allowlist of websites.
- Limit device use time.
- Limit application use time.
- Select a safe area for your child on a map.
- Respond to your child's requests.
You can also monitor your child's activity:
- Locate your child's mobile devices.
- Check your child's social networks posts.
- View daily reports about your child's activity.
About two-step verification
Two-step verification may be unavailable in your region. For more details, see the My Kaspersky help.
Two-step verification prevents bad guys from signing in to your My Kaspersky account even if they know your password. To verify your identity, we also send a unique security code to you via SMS. We use the phone number you save on My Kaspersky. This means that both your password and your phone are needed to sign in to your account.
You can turn on two-step verification on My Kaspersky. If you change your phone number, you can update it on My Kaspersky. If you are already signed in to your account on a device, nothing will change for you. For detailed instructions, see the My Kaspersky help.
The security code sent to your phone number in an SMS message is valid for a short period. If it expires, request another security code.
If you haven't received an SMS message with a security code
Page topAbout free, trial, and Premium versions
You can use the following versions of the application:
- Free version. The free version of Kaspersky Safe Kids offers the basic functionality. You can switch from the free version to the Premium version by purchasing the Premium version in the online store or on the My Kaspersky website.
- Trial version. The trial version lets you use full app functionality during a trial period without paying a fee. You can switch from the trial version to the Premium version of the app. When the trial period expires, the app automatically switches to the free version.
- Premium version. The Premium version of Kaspersky Safe Kids offers the application's full functionality. The Premium version has a limited license period. When the license expires, the application's Premium features are disabled and the application switches to the free version. You can continue using the free version of Kaspersky Safe Kids or renew the Premium version.
About the subscription
A subscription for Kaspersky Safe Kids Premium is the purchase of the right to use the application according to specific parameters (for example, subscription expiration date, number of devices).
You can manage your subscription via your personal account page on the service provider's website (for example, via App Store, Google Play or Huawei AppGallery).
A subscription can be renewed automatically or manually. An auto-renewed subscription automatically renews at the end of each subscription period until you cancel it. A manually renewed subscription must be renewed at the end of each subscription period. When a manually renewed subscription expires, you might be granted a grace period, during which the application remains fully functional.
Buying a license or ordering a subscription for Kaspersky Safe Kids Premium does not cancel your other subscriptions that include Kaspersky Safe Kids Premium. To avoid additional charges, make sure you have canceled or disabled autorenewal for subscriptions that you don't need.
Cancel a subscription for Kaspersky Safe Kids Premium or switch to manual renewal:
- Go to your personal account page on the service provider's website.
- Check if there are any active subscriptions that include Kaspersky Safe Kids Premium.
- Cancel or disable autorenewal for subscriptions that you don't need.
About the activation code
An activation code is a unique sequence of 20 letters and numbers. You enter an activation code on the My Kaspersky website to activate the premium version of Kaspersky Safe Kids. The premium version's license period starts when you enter the activation code on the My Kaspersky website.
If your My Kaspersky account already has a valid activation code for Kaspersky Safe Kids, the application recognizes the activation code and switches to the premium version when you connect to My Kaspersky with your account.
You can obtain an activation code in one of the following ways:
- If you have purchased Kaspersky Total Security integrated solution, an activation code for Kaspersky Safe Kids is provided according the licensing terms of these applications.
- If you have purchased or subscribed to Kaspersky Security Cloud – Family package, an activation code for Kaspersky Safe Kids is provided according the licensing terms of Kaspersky Security Cloud.
- If you have purchased Kaspersky Safe Kids in the online store or on My Kaspersky, an activation code is sent to the email address that you specified when ordering the product.
Contact Technical Support to recover your activation code if you lose it.
Page topView license information
You can check the license term on a parent's mobile device with Kaspersky Safe Kids installed.
License information is displayed only in the Premium version of the app.
To check the license term on a parent's mobile device,
On the Kaspersky Safe Kids navigation bar, tap on Android device and Additional on iOS device.
The license term is displayed in the upper part of the screen. For more information, tap the license term.
In the Licenses section on My Kaspersky, you can view the key, license term, and other information about the license.
Page topActivate the Premium version of the app
To use all features of the app, activate the Premium version of Kaspersky Safe Kids on the parent's device.
You must have a working Internet connection to activate the Premium version of the app.
Activating the Premium version of the app on Android device
Activating the Premium version of the app on iOS device
Activation of Kaspersky Safe Kids can take some time. Until the activation process is complete, the limitations of the free version are applied. If the application has not been activated, contact Technical Support.
You can also purchase a subscription in the online store or on My Kaspersky.
If you purchase a subscription, Kaspersky Safe Kids apps on all devices connected to your My Kaspersky account will switch to the Premium version.
Page topCompliance with European Union law
When distributed in the European Union, Kaspersky Safe Kids complies with the terms of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
When you accept the End User License Agreement and Privacy Policy, you confirm that you are of the required age to install Kaspersky Safe Kids within the European Union. After Kaspersky Safe Kids is installed, you will be offered to read and accept the terms and conditions required for initial setup and use of Kaspersky Safe Kids.
You will also be asked to accept the Statement Regarding Data Processing for Marketing Purposes which allows Kaspersky to offer you additional benefits. If you choose to accept this statement, you can still revoke your acceptance in the application settings at any time.
If You are going to configure the app for Your child’s iOS device, skip the Marketing Statement. On iOS, in the child’s mode data is not processed for marketing purposes.
View, and accept or decline the additional terms and conditions
According to the terms of the GDPR, you have certain rights regarding your personal data (please read the "Your Rights and Options" section of the Products and services privacy policy to learn more). You have the right to remove all your personal data submitted by the current installation of the app from Kaspersky. To remove all your personal data submitted by the current installation of the app from Kaspersky, contact Technical Support and provide your device and installation IDs.
View your device and installation ID's
Page topAbout data provision
View information about the data provided to Kaspersky using previous versions of the application
The information mentioned in this section does not contain any personal data of the User and is needed for the operation of the Rightholder's Software, unless expressly stated otherwise.
Data provided to Kaspersky by using Kaspersky Safe Kids for Android 1.38.0.XXX, and Kaspersky Safe Kids for iOS 1.45.0.XXX and later
Kaspersky protects any information received in accordance with law and applicable Kaspersky rules. Data is transmitted over a secure channel.
To support two-step verification on My Kaspersky, you need to provide a security code sent to your device in an SMS message.
To ensure the security of your My Kaspersky account, you need to provide the CAPTCHA characters.
You agree to automatically, while using the app, provide Kaspersky with information about the quality of KSN services:
- KSN service identifier
- Statistics for successful packets
- Statistics for unsuccessful packets
- Statistics for packet time
- Statistics for packet number
- Number of connections from cache
- Number of successful connections
- Number of unsuccessful connections
- Number of successful transactions
- Number of unsuccessful transactions
- Time distribution of successful connections
- Time distribution of unsuccessful connections
- Time distribution of successful transactions
- Time distribution of unsuccessful transactions
- Service request identifier
- Number of service requests
- Number of service requests from cache
- Number of requests canceled because of network problems
- Number of requests canceled because of inactive service
- Number of requests canceled because of an invalid path
- Time distribution of successful requests
- Time distribution of canceled requests
- Time distribution of requests that timed out
- Time histogram
We use the following non-personal data to maintain the core functionality of the Software:
- Product ID in the KSN service
- Full version of the app
- ID of the configuration file used by the product
- Result of the inquiry to the Discovery service
- Error code if the inquiry to the Discovery service fails
Install the app
You can install Kaspersky Safe Kids from the app stores of Google, Huawei, or other providers.
To install Kaspersky Safe Kids:
- Open the store app or website on your device.
- Find the Kaspersky Safe Kids app.
- Open the app page.
- View the list of permissions that Kaspersky Safe Kids needs.
- If you agree to grant the app these permissions, tap Install.
The installation of the app begins.
- If you refuse to grant the app required permissions, don't install the app.
- If you agree to grant the app these permissions, tap Install.
Some steps may vary depending on the store you use.
For more information on using Google Play, go to Google Play Help Center. For more information on using AppGallery, go to the AppGallery Support website.
Page topConfigure the app for use by a parent
After installing Kaspersky Safe Kids on your mobile device, you must configure the app for use by a parent.
At first startup, follow the instructions in the app.
If you finish configuring the app for use by a parent and later decide to configure Kaspersky Safe Kids for your child, you must uninstall the app and then install the app again.
To configure Kaspersky Safe Kids for use by a parent:
- Start Kaspersky Safe Kids on your mobile device.
The Kaspersky Safe Kids welcome screen opens.
- Review the key features of the app and tap Continue.
A window with terms and conditions opens.
- Review the legal documents.
- If you agree with the documents, select the corresponding checkboxes. Tap Confirm, if you agree with the documents.
- If you disagree with the documents, close the app and do not use it.
- Review the Statement regarding data processing for marketing purposes.
- If you want to accept the Statement, tap Accept and confirm the action.
- If you want to proceed with setup without accepting the Statement, tap Skip. You can accept the Statement later in the app settings.
- Specify that this is a parent's device.
- Connect your device to My Kaspersky:
- If you already have a My Kaspersky account:
- Enter your credentials.
- Tap Sign In.
- If you do not have a My Kaspersky account:
- Tap Create account.
- Complete the registration process. A message with an account activation link is sent to the email address you specified. Tap the link to confirm your registration.
You can also create an account on My Kaspersky website.
Your mobile device will be connected to My Kaspersky.
- If you already have a My Kaspersky account:
- Create or enter the access code for the app. The access code is the same for all devices linked to the same account on My Kaspersky.
- Tap Continue.
Kaspersky Safe Kids is ready to use on your mobile device.
Page topConfigure the app for your child
If you finish configuring the app and later decide to configure Kaspersky Safe Kids for use by a parent, you must uninstall the app and then install the app again.
To configure Kaspersky Safe Kids for use by a child and turn on protection:
- Start Kaspersky Safe Kids on your child's mobile device.
The Kaspersky Safe Kids welcome screen opens.
- Review the key features of the app and tap Continue.
A window with terms and conditions opens.
- Review the legal documents.
- If you agree with the documents, select the corresponding checkboxes. Tap Confirm, if you agree with the documents.
- If you disagree with the documents, close the app and do not use it.
- The device will be connected to My Kaspersky.
- Specify that this is a child's device.
- Grant advanced permissions to Kaspersky Safe Kids.
- Follow the instructions on the screen to allow Kaspersky Safe Kids access the accessibility and system features. Allow Kaspersky Safe Kids to display screens over other apps.
These permissions may be requested at different steps of the configuration depending on the version of your Android operating system.
- Connect the device to My Kaspersky:
- If you already have a My Kaspersky account:
- Enter your credentials.
- Tap Sign In.
- If you do not have a My Kaspersky account:
- Tap Create an account.
- Complete the registration process.
A message with an account activation link is sent to the email address you specified. Tap the link to confirm your registration.
You can also create an account on My Kaspersky website.
- If you already have a My Kaspersky account:
- You can choose an already created child's profile or specify the details about a new child.
You can also add your child's details on My Kaspersky.
- Tap Get started.
- If you are configuring Kaspersky Safe Kids on a HUAWEI or XIAOMI device, turn on automatic restart of Kaspersky Safe Kids after the device is turned on.
Kaspersky Safe Kids is configured. You can give the device to your child.
Android operating system functionality makes it possible to hide Kaspersky Safe Kids notifications on your child's device using operating system settings.
Page topRemove the app from your child's device
To uninstall Kaspersky Safe Kids from your child's mobile device:
- Start Kaspersky Safe Kids on your child's mobile device.
- Tap Uninstall the app.
A form opens for entering your My Kaspersky account credentials.
- Enter your My Kaspersky account credentials.
- Tap Uninstall the app.
- Confirm removal of Kaspersky Safe Kids from the device.
The process of uninstalling Kaspersky Safe Kids from the device begins.
Page topApplications blocked on Android
Some of the applications on a child's Android device are blocked automatically. We try not to give the child the opportunity to cheat and bypass parental controls.
These are the apps and browsers that Kaspersky Safe Kids blocks by default:
- Settings (
- Greenify (com.oasisfeng.greenify)
- Google Assistant - Get things done, hands-free (
- Assistant for Android (com.advancedprocessmanager)
- SD Maid - System Cleaning Tool (eu.thedarken.sdm)
- App Manager (
- App Ops - Permission manager (rikka.appops)
- App Ops [Root] (droidmate.appopsinstaller)
- Link2SD (com.buak.Link2SD)
- XPrivacyLua (eu.faircode.xlua)
- XPrivacy (biz.bokhorst.xprivacy)
- System app remover (root needed) (com.jumobile.manager.systemapp)
- system app remover pro (
- All-In-One Toolbox: Cleaner, Speed& Widget (imoblife.toolbox.full)
- All apps permissions settings (bg.androidapps.appopsrunner)
- Smart Quick Settings (com.smartwho.SmartQuickSettings)
- Settings App (
- Hidden Settings Pro (com.erron.hiddensettingspro)
- Secure Settings (com.intangibleobject.securesettings.plugin)
- Hidden Settings for MIUI (com.ceyhan.sets)
- MIUI Secret Settings (com.blackcurrantstudioz.MIUISecretSettings)
- Tasker (
- KillApps: Close all apps running (com.tafayor.killall)
- Power Clean (com.lionmobi.powerclean)
- Ghost Commander File Manager (com.ghostsq.commander)
- Simple System Monitor (
- Taskmanager (de.hp.taskmanager)
- Smart Manager (
- Smart Manager (
- Deep Cleaner (com.uoplongan.deepcleaner)
- UC Browser (com.UCmobile.intl)
- Yandex Browser with Protect, Yandex (,
- Firefox Browser: fast, private & safe web browser (org.mozilla.firefox)
- Opera browser with free VPN (com.opera.browser)
- Opera mini (
The apps above may have different names in different online stores. Their names may change over time.
Page topInstall the app
To install Kaspersky Safe Kids:
- Go to the App Store.
- Find Kaspersky Safe Kids. To do so, tap Search, type the app name in the search field, and tap the Find button.
- Select Kaspersky Safe Kids in the search results.
A page with details about Kaspersky Safe Kids opens.
- On the app page, tap Download and then tap Install.
- Enter your Apple ID password, if necessary.
The installation of the app begins.
For details on using the App Store and installing apps, see the user guides for the iPhone or iPad.
Page topConfigure the app for use by a parent
After installing Kaspersky Safe Kids on your mobile device, you must configure the app for use by a parent.
At first startup, follow the instructions in the app.
If you finish configuring the app for use by a parent and later decide to configure Kaspersky Safe Kids for your child, you must uninstall the app and then install the app again.
To configure Kaspersky Safe Kids for use by a parent:
- Start Kaspersky Safe Kids on your mobile device.
The Kaspersky Safe Kids welcome screen opens.
- Review the key features of the app and tap Continue.
A window with terms and conditions opens.
- Review the legal documents.
- If you agree with the documents, select the corresponding checkboxes. Tap Confirm, if you agree with the documents.
- If you disagree with the documents, close the app and do not use it.
- Connect the device to My Kaspersky:
- If you already have a My Kaspersky account, do the following:
- Enter your credentials.
- Tap Sign In.
- If you do not have a My Kaspersky account, do the following:
- Tap Don't Have an Account?.
- Complete the registration process.
A message with an account activation link is sent to the email address you specified. Tap the link to confirm your registration.
- Tap Continue.
You can also create an account on My Kaspersky.
Your mobile device will be connected to My Kaspersky.
- If you already have a My Kaspersky account, do the following:
- Specify that this is a parent's device.
- Create or enter the access code for the app. The access code is the same for all devices that are linked to the same account on My Kaspersky .
- Tap Continue.
Kaspersky Safe Kids is ready for use on your mobile device.
Page topConfigure the app for your child
After installing Kaspersky Safe Kids on your child's mobile device, you must configure the app for use by your child. Once your child's device is configured, age restrictions and other protection settings are applied.
At first startup, follow the instructions in the app.
When configuring Kaspersky Safe Kids, you install a configuration profile. The configuration profile includes the settings needed to protect your child.
The configuration profile must be reinstalled if:
- Your child advances to the next age category. Your child's age category is determined as of January 1 of the current year.
- Protection settings for Internet monitoring are changed.
- Protection settings for app monitoring are changed.
If you finish configuring the app and later decide to configure Kaspersky Safe Kids for use by a parent, you must uninstall the app and then install the app again.
To configure Kaspersky Safe Kids for use by a child and turn on protection:
- Start Kaspersky Safe Kids on your child's mobile device.
The Kaspersky Safe Kids welcome screen opens.
- Review the key features of the app and tap Continue.
A window with terms and conditions opens.
- Review the legal documents.
- If you agree with the documents, select the corresponding checkboxes. Tap Confirm, if you agree with the documents.
- If you disagree with the documents, close the app and do not use it.
- Connect the device to My Kaspersky:
- If you already have a My Kaspersky account, do the following:
- Enter your credentials.
- Tap Sign In.
- If you do not have a My Kaspersky account, do the following:
- Tap Don't have an account.
- Complete the registration process.
A message with an account activation link is sent to the email address you specified. Tap the link to confirm your registration.
- Tap Continue.
You can also create an account on My Kaspersky.
- If you already have a My Kaspersky account, do the following:
- You will see the Statement regarding data processing for marketing purposes. Tap Skip.
In the child’s mode data is not processed for marketing purposes.
- Specify that this is a child's device.
- Specify the child who uses this mobile device:
- Select the child in the list of children.
- Add a child if the list of children doesn't include the child who uses this mobile device. Do the following:
- Tap Add child.
- Specify your child's details:
- Your child's name. This name is displayed when you receive alerts about your child's activity.
- Your child's birth year. Your child's age determines the default settings that Kaspersky Safe Kids uses to monitor your child's device.
- Your child's photo.
- Tap Add.
You can also add your child's details on My Kaspersky.
- Tap Continue and allow Kaspersky Safe Kids to access the device location.
- Allow Kaspersky Safe Kids to send notifications.
- Install the configuration profile. Do the following:
- Tap Continue, view information about the configuration profile and tap Install Profile.
- Tap Allow to open device settings.
- Confirm the installation of the configuration profile by tapping Install.
- View the system warning and tap Install.
- Confirm the installation.
- Tap Done.
- Return to the app.
- Tap Done.
Kaspersky Safe Kids is configured. You can give the device to your child. Your child must use Kaspersky Safe Kids app instead of Safari to surf the Internet.
iOS operating system functionality makes it possible to hide Kaspersky Safe Kids notifications on your child's device using operating system settings.
Page topRemove the app from your child's device
Before uninstalling Kaspersky Safe Kids, you must first remove Kaspersky Safe Kids configuration profile. To remove the configuration profile, you have to enter the Kaspersky Safe Kids PIN code. You can find the code in the Kaspersky Safe Kids settings on your child's mobile device or on My Kaspersky.
If you don't remove the configuration profile, Kaspersky Safe Kids restrictions won't be removed.
To view the PIN code for removing the configuration profile on the child's mobile device:
- Start the application on your child's mobile device.
- Tap
> About > How to Uninstall the App.
- Enter the password for your My Kaspersky account.
Instructions on how to uninstall Kaspersky Safe Kids from your child's mobile device are displayed along with the code for removing the configuration profile.
To remove the configuration profile from your child's mobile device:
- On the home screen, tap Settings > General > Profiles.
- Select the Kaspersky Safe Kids profile.
- Tap Remove.
- Enter the code for removing the configuration profile.
The configuration profile will be removed. Now you can uninstall Kaspersky Safe Kids app.
To uninstall Kaspersky Safe Kids:
- On the Home screen, press and hold the Kaspersky Safe Kids icon until the icons start to jiggle.
- Tap
- Confirm the uninstallation of the app.
- Tap the Home button.
Once the app has been removed, the mobile device is removed from the child's profile on My Kaspersky.
Page topAbout Internet use monitoring
With Internet use monitoring, you can find out what websites your child has visited and restrict their access to websites with unwanted content. You can use the default settings (based on your child's age), or you can adjust the settings according to the needs of your child.
Internet use monitoring offers the following features:
- Safe Search
- Safe Search on YouTube
- Notifications about searches on restricted themes
- Website category restrictions
- Specific website restrictions
- Block access to all websites or customize access by website category
- Reports on your child's activity on the Internet
You can configure delivery of notifications when your child attempts to visit forbidden or unrecommended websites on My Kaspersky or in the parent's mobile app.
Page topMonitor Internet use
On the parent's Android device:
Turn on Internet use monitoring
Turn on Safe Search on YouTube
Turn on notifications about searches on restricted themes
Block or allow website categories
Block or allow specific websites (add exclusions)
On the parent's iOS device:
Turn on Internet use monitoring
Turn on Safe Search on YouTube
Turn on notifications about searches on restricted themes
Block or allow website categories
Block or allow specific websites (add exclusions)
You can also set up Internet use monitoring on My Kaspersky.
Page topAbout application monitoring
With application monitoring, you can restrict access to applications on your child's devices and view the history of application usage.
Application monitoring offers the following features:
- Age restrictions
- Application category restrictions
- Specific application restrictions
- Application use reports
Monitor app use
On the parent's Android device:
Block, allow, or limit the use of specific apps
On the parent's iOS device:
Block, allow, or limit the use of specific apps
You can allow or block the use of apps on your child's devices on My Kaspersky.
Block installation of new apps from Google Play
You can only block installation of new apps if your child uses an Android device.
To block installation of new apps on the child's devices, restrict access to Google Play Store in one of the following ways:
- Through My Kaspersky
- Through the Kaspersky Safe Kids app on a parent's device
How to block Google Play Store via My Kaspersky
How to block Google Play Store via parent's Android device
About device use monitoring
With device use monitoring, you can track and limit the time your children spend on their devices.
Device use monitoring offers the following features:
- Select device control options
- Limit device use by hours per day or by schedule
- Allow app use on blocked device
- View device use reports
Monitor device use
On the parent's Android device:
Limit device use time by hours per day or by schedule
Allow app use on blocked device
On the parent's iOS device:
Limit device use time by hours per day or by schedule
Allow app use on blocked device
Page topAbout location monitoring
Location monitoring offers the following features:
Location monitoring is available in the premium version of Kaspersky Safe Kids on your child's Android and iOS devices with a GPS module and Internet connection.
Page topLocate your child's device
To allow the app to locate your child's mobile device, make sure that location monitoring, location services, and an Internet connection are enabled on your child's device.
On the parent's Android device:
On the parent's iOS device:
You can also locate child's mobile devices on My Kaspersky.
Page topSet an allowed area for your child
On the parent's Android device:
Set an allowed area for your child
On the parent's iOS device:
Set an allowed area for your child
You can also set an allowed area for your child on My Kaspersky.
Page topAbout battery level monitoring
With battery level monitoring, you can:
- View the battery level of your child’s device
- See if the device is being charged
- Get notifications when the battery level on your child's device becomes critical (for example, when it reaches 15%)
Battery level monitoring only works if you enable Location monitoring for your child’s device. Location monitoring is available in the Premium version of Kaspersky Safe Kids on your child's Android and iOS devices with a GPS module and Internet connection.
Monitor battery level
By default, battery level monitoring of your child's mobile devices is enabled in the Premium version of Kaspersky Safe Kids when location monitoring is enabled. When the battery level on your child's device becomes critical (for example, when it reaches 15%), you will receive a notification.
You will only receive a notification if the battery level has been critical in the last 24 hours.
If you disable location monitoring, battery level monitoring will be disabled as well.
To view the battery level of your child's device:
- Tap
on the Kaspersky Safe Kids navigation bar.
- Select the child.
- Next to the name of the child's device you will see its battery level and whether the battery is being charged.
- To refresh information about the current battery level on your child's device, tap
About alerts on your child's activity
Kaspersky Safe Kids lets you receive alerts about your child's activity in real time. For example, you can receive alerts about the following events:
- Attempt to visit a forbidden website.
- Attempt to open a forbidden application.
- The child has left the allowed area.
- Battery level of your child's device is less than 15%.
- Attempt to uninstall Kaspersky Safe Kids.
If your child is using an Android device, you can receive notifications when he or she turns off important settings. Go to Alert settings > Important app functions were turned off.
You can select which alerts you receive.
You can view alerts on the My Kaspersky portal, on your mobile device with Kaspersky Safe Kids installed, and in your email.
Alerts on the parent's mobile device and by email are only available in the premium version of Kaspersky Safe Kids. When using the free version, you can only view alerts on My Kaspersky.
Page topManage alert settings
On the parent's Android device:
Manage alerts about your child's activity
On the parent's iOS device:
Manage alerts about your child's activity
Page topView alerts about your child's activity
You can view the latest alerts on your mobile device with Kaspersky Safe Kids installed, in your email, or on My Kaspersky.
On the parent's Android device:
View alerts about your child's activity
On the parent's iOS device:
View alerts about your child's activity
Page topAbout your child's requests
The child can request permission to visit a forbidden website or use a forbidden application in Kaspersky Safe Kids. This feature lets you remotely adjust Kaspersky Safe Kids settings as needed.
On iOS devices, your child can only ask for permission to visit blocked websites.
You can view and approve or decline your child's requests in the parent's mobile app or on My Kaspersky.
In the parent's mobile app, your child's requests appear in the alerts section .
Approve or decline your child's requests
On the parent's Android device:
Approve or decline your child's request
On the parent's iOS device:
Approve or decline your child's request
Page topCommon issues
Kaspersky Safe Kids for Android has the following limitations:
- We do not recommend installing Kaspersky Safe Kids in the child mode on Oppo devices. Installed on Oppo as on a parent's device, the application works correctly.
- Kaspersky Safe Kids is incompatible with Chromebook devices.
- On Android 4, the latest version of Google Play Services must be installed. Otherwise, some features of the Kaspersky Safe Kids may work incorrectly.
- Kaspersky Safe Kids content filtering is not applied to websites that you open from Kaspersky Password Manager.
- In rare cases, it may take some time to activate your subscription. To finish the activation process successfully, make sure the device is connected to the Internet and do not sign out of your My Kaspersky account.
- Kaspersky Safe Kids might not work as intended on devices that use Android Go, due to the technical characteristics of that operating system.
ASUS devices
Kaspersky Safe Kids may have the following issues and solutions on ASUS devices:
- On the ASUS ZenFone 2, Kaspersky Safe Kids may not start after the device is restarted or the app is unloaded from memory. To fix this, allow autostart for Kaspersky Who Calls in the Autostart Manager settings.
- On the devices with Asus Mobile Manager installed, if you configure Kaspersky Safe Kids and then close it from recent apps, Asus Mobile Manager may block autostart of Kaspersky Safe Kids. As a result, Kaspersky Safe Kids will be unable to receive and run commands from My Kaspersky.
- Due to certain firmware features of ASUS devices, issues may arise while entering a password using any layouts but the English one. Language switch does not work in the password field. The issue is known to occur on ASUS ZenFone 6.
To enter a password in a non-English layout, use one of the following options:
- Install a third-party keyboard from Google Play and use it to enter the password.
- Enter the password in another application, then copy and paste it into the password input field.
HTC devices
Kaspersky Safe Kids has the following known issues and possible solutions on HTC devices:
Due to certain firmware features of HTC devices, issues may arise while entering a password using any layouts but the English one. Language switch does not work in the password field. The issue is known to occur on HTC M8.
To enter a password in a non-English layout, use one of the following options:
- Install a third-party keyboard from Google Play and use it to enter the password.
- Enter the password in another application, then copy and paste it into the password input field.
HUAWEI devices
Kaspersky Safe Kids has the following known issues:
- On some Huawei devices running Android 8, the app may stop working unexpectedly or the autofill enabling button may not work. To resolve these issues, update your OS version to Android 9 or later.
- On a child’s Huawei devices, EMUI version 10.1 or later must be installed for Kaspersky Safe Kids to work correctly.
Lenovo devices
Some steps may be different, depending on the device model and version of the operating system.
Kaspersky Safe Kids may have the following issues and solutions on Lenovo devices:
- The app may be unloaded from device memory by the operating system. To fix this, lock the app in memory.
Meizu devices
Some steps may be different depending on the device model and version of the operating system.
Kaspersky Safe Kids may have the following issues and solutions on Meizu devices:
- Kaspersky Safe Kids may not work correctly when the device is in the sleep mode. To fix this, go to Settings > Device > Power Management > Energy consumption > Optimization of energy consumption > Sleep mode management and allow Kaspersky Safe Kids to keep working in sleep mode.
- Kaspersky Safe Kids may not start after the device is restarted or the app is unloaded from memory. To fix this, grant Kaspersky Safe Kids permission to autorestart.
- Kaspersky Safe Kids may be unloaded from device memory. For the app to work correctly, lock the app in memory.
Kaspersky Safe Kids may not get access to permissions on Meizu Pro 6 Plus with Android 6.0.1, in which case the app will not work properly. To fix this issue, please upgrade to Android 7.x. Otherwise, do the following:
- Go to Settings > Apps > Kaspersky Safe Kids > Permission management.
- Grant all permissions: set permissions to ON or tap a permission name and select Allow from the list.
Nubia devices
Kaspersky Safe Kids has the following known issues and possible solutions on Nubia devices:
- Due to firmware functionality on the Nubia NX 529, the app may not autorun after device restart. We recommend that you add Kaspersky Safe Kids to the apps that can autorun or start the app manually after the device is restarted.
Samsung devices
Some steps may be different, depending on the device model and version of the operating system.
Kaspersky Safe Kids has the following known issues and possible solutions on Samsung devices:
- Due to firmware functionality on the Samsung Galaxy A9, the app may not autorun after device restart. We recommend that you add Kaspersky Safe Kids to the apps that can autorun or start the app manually after the device is restarted.
- Kaspersky Safe Kids might not restart after the device is restarted. To fix this, allow autorestart for Kaspersky Safe Kids. For example, use the Smart Manager app: go to Smart Manager > Memory > Autostart apps and set the Kaspersky Safe Kids switch to ON.
- Due to certain firmware features Samsung devices, issues may arise while entering a password using any layouts but the English one. If accessibility permissions are granted for an application, keyboard layout may be unavailable. The issue is confirmed on Samsung Galaxy S4.
To enter a password in a non-English layout, use one of the following options:
- Install a third-party keyboard from Google Play and use it to enter the password.
- Disable Accessibility permissions for applications and try entering the password again. Disabling Accessibility permissions may affect the applications' work.
XIAOMI devices
Some steps may be different, depending on the device model and version of the operating system.
Kaspersky Safe Kids has the following known issues and possible solutions on XIAOMI devices:
- The app may stop working in background mode, even if it is locked in memory. To fix this, change the app activity control settings in the battery settings.
For example, on Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 with Android 6.0.1, go to Settings > Battery and Performance > Manage apps battery usage > Choose apps (available if the power saving mode is on) > Kaspersky Safe Kids > No restrictions.
- Kaspersky Safe Kids might not restart after the device is restarted or the app is unloaded from memory. To fix this, go to the device's Security Center and allow autorestart for Kaspersky Safe Kids.
- On devices with the local Chinese version of MIUI firmware (with no pre-installed official version of Google Play services) the Premium version of the app may be unavailable for purchase.
ZTE devices
Some steps may be different, depending on the device model and version of the operating system.
Kaspersky Safe Kids may have the following issues and solutions on ZTE devices:
- The app may not start automatically after the device is restarted or the app is unloaded from device memory. In this case, you should start the app manually.
- The app may be unloaded from device memory by the operating system. To fix this, lock the app in memory.
- The app might stop working in background mode even if it is locked in memory. To fix this, change the application control settings in the battery settings.
For example, on ZTE Blade V7 with Android 6.0, go to Settings > Battery > Battery optimization > All apps > Kaspersky Safe Kids > Don’t optimize.
- Notifications from Kaspersky Safe Kids might not be displayed or might be displayed incorrectly. To fix this, on ZTE blade v7 with Android 6.0, go to Settings > Apps > Kaspersky Safe Kids > Notifications > Treat as priority.
How to get technical support
If you cannot find a solution to your issue in the application documentation or in any of the sources of information about the application, we recommend that you contact Technical Support. Technical Support specialists will answer all your questions about installing and using the application.
Before contacting Technical Support, please read the support rules.
You can contact Technical Support in one of the following ways:
- By calling Technical Support by phone
- By sending a request to Technical Support from My Kaspersky
Technical support is available only to users who have purchased a license for the application. No technical support is provided to users of free versions.
Page topView a summary of your child's activities
You can view a summary of your child's activities on the parent's mobile device with Kaspersky Safe Kids installed or on My Kaspersky.
On the parent's Android device:
View a summary of child's activities
On the parent's iOS device:
View a summary of child's activities
Page topSources of information about the app
Kaspersky Safe Kids page on the Kaspersky website
On the Kaspersky Safe Kids page, you can view general information about the application and its functions and features.
The Kaspersky Safe Kids page contains a link to the online store, where you can buy or renew your license for the application.
Kaspersky Safe Kids page in the Knowledge Base
The Knowledge Base is a section on the Kaspersky Technical Support website.
On the Kaspersky Safe Kids page in the Knowledge Base, you can read articles that provide useful information, recommendations, and answers to frequently asked questions on how to buy, install, and use the application.
Articles in the Knowledge Base may provide answers to questions that relate both to Kaspersky Safe Kids as well as other Kaspersky applications. Articles in the Knowledge Base may also contain Technical Support news.
Discuss Kaspersky applications with the community
If your question does not require an immediate answer, you can discuss it with Kaspersky experts and other users in our community.
In the community, you can view discussion topics, post your comments, and create new discussion topics.
Page topAbout beta version
Beta versions are not for use in the United States. Beta versions are also unavailable for Huawei devices.
We would like to learn about your experience using our mobile products' new features and invite you to be a beta tester. The beta version includes new features you can try before they are officially released.
Be aware that beta versions may be less stable than the final version officially released to the public. You may encounter problems such as app crashes, features that do not work properly, or unavailable services.
The beta version is free of charge. However, the app's functionality may be limited (for instance, purchases could be unavailable). Please carefully read all of the beta version's terms and conditions in the End User License Agreement.
You must use the app only in accordance with the functionality provided by the installed version of the app.
On Android, to view the list of beta versions you are using, go to Google Play and tap Profile > My apps & games > Beta.
On iOS, the orange mark next to the app icon defines that you use the beta version of the app.
Before you start beta testing the app, please carefully read the "Beta and subscriptions" section.
Page topBeta and subscriptions
We recommend that you register a separate My Kaspersky account to use exclusively for beta testing.
If you have already purchased a subscription, do not add activation codes to My Kaspersky account used only for beta testing. Otherwise, the app will automatically switch to the Premium version and your subscription will start expiring. See how to check subscriptions on My Kaspersky in the My Kaspersky help.
If you are already using the Premium version, you can test the beta version in the Premium mode under the same subscription. Your subscription term will not be extended by the duration of beta testing.
Page topAbout the End User License Agreement
The End User License Agreement (License Agreement) is a binding agreement between you and AO Kaspersky Lab that stipulates the terms on which you may use the application.
Carefully read the License Agreement before you start using the application.
By confirming that you agree with the License Agreement when installing the application or starting it for the first time, you accept the terms of the License Agreement. If you do not accept the terms of the License Agreement, cancel application installation and do not use the application.
You can view the License Agreement any time in the About section of Kaspersky Safe Kids.
Page topInformation about third-party code
Information about third-party code is contained in the About section in the app menu.
Page topTrademark notices
Registered trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners.
ABBYY Lingvo is a trademark of ABBYY Software, Ltd.
Amazon is a trademark of, Inc. or its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries.
Android, Chrome, Firebase, Google, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, Google Chrome, Google Drive, Google Maps, and Google Play are trademarks of Google, Inc.
Apple, App Store, iMac, iPad, iPhone, iPod, iPod touch, Keychain, Mac, MacBook, macOS, OS X, QuickTime, Safari, Touch ID, and Face ID are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
ASUS Trademark and ZenFone are either US registered trademarks or trademarks of Asustek Computer Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.
Bing, Internet Explorer, Microsoft, Outlook, Windows, Windows Azure, Windows Media, and Skype are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
BitTorrent is a trademark of BitTorrent, Inc.
Dropbox is a trademark of Dropbox, Inc.
Flipshare and IOS are registered trademarks or trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the United States and certain other countries.
Lenovo is a trademark of Lenovo in the United States, other countries, or both.
LinkedIn is a registered trademark or trademark of LinkedIn Corporation and its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries.
HTC is a trademark of HTC Corporation.
HUAWEI is a trademark of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd registered in China and other countries.
SAMSUNG is a trademark of SAMSUNG in the United States or other countries.
UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Limited.
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