Kaspersky Safe Kids for Microsoft Windows
What's new
What's new
Kaspersky Safe Kids offers the following features in the 1.0.3 version:
- Your child can now request additional time to use the computer.
- Kaspersky Safe Kids informs your child how much time is left and advises him or her to take a break when time is up.
- Your child can now view the weekly computer use schedule.
- Kaspersky Safe Kids now excludes idle time when counting the time your child spends on the computer.
- Better protection against unauthorized uninstallation of the application.
- Issues that allowed the application's restrictions to be bypassed are fixed.
After being updated, Kaspersky Safe Kids restarts counting the time your child spends using applications. The day's previous time statistics are deleted. If you have set application use time limits, your child may use applications longer than these time limits on the day of an update. Application use statistics are incorrect for the day of an update.
Article ID: 145056, Last review: Dec 14, 2018