In this Help

Help includes the following sections:

Sources of information about the application

This section lists the sources of information about the application.

Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway

This section contains a brief overview and description of the functionality of the Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway solution. This section describes the modes of operation of Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway, hardware and software requirements.

Application licensing

This section covers the main aspects of application licensing.

Mail server protection status

This section contains information about how to check the level of protection of the mail server and related problems.

Participating in Kaspersky Security Network

This section provides information about participation in Kaspersky Security Network.

Deploying the Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway virtual machine image

This section provides step-by-step instructions for deploying the image of the Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway virtual machine on a VMware ESXi host.

Initial configuration of Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway

This section contains step-by-step instructions on initial configuration of Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway, which you have to perform after deploying the image of a Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway virtual machine.

Starting the Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway virtual machine

This section describes how you can start the Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway virtual machine.

Connecting to the Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway web interface

This section provides instructions on connecting to the web interface of Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway.

Integrating Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway into the corporate mail infrastructure

This section provides instructions on how to integrate Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway into the corporate mail infrastructure.

Configuring MTA settings

This section describes how you can configure the basic settings of the MTA.

Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway Monitoring

This section provides information on mail traffic monitoring, the latest threats detected, and system resources.

Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway database update

This section contains information about updating Anti-Virus, Anti-Spam, and Anti-Phishing databases.

Upgrading Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway via the web interface

This section describes how you can upgrade Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway via the web interface.

Anti-Virus protection

This section contains information about Anti-Virus protection of messages and how to configure it.

Anti-Spam protection

This section contains information about Anti-Spam protection of messages and how to configure it.

Anti-Phishing protection

This section contains information about Anti-Phishing protection of messages and how to configure it.

Content filtering of messages

This section contains information about content filtering of messages and how to configure it.

Using message processing rules

This section contains information about message processing rules, information on how to configure rule settings and configure Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway settings for each message processing rule.

Connecting to an LDAP server

This section describes how you can connect Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway to an LDAP server and configure the LDAP server connection settings and filters.

Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway email notifications

This section contains information about Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway email notifications and how to configure them.

Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway disclaimers and warnings

This section contains information about Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway disclaimers and warnings and instructions on how to configure them.


This section contains information about Backup and how to use it.

Message authentication

This section describes the message authentication technologies used by Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway and provides instructions on how to configure message authentication.

SMTP verification of recipient email addresses

This section contains information about SMTP authentication of message recipients and how to configure it.

DKIM signature for outgoing messages

This section provides instructions on adding a DKIM signature to outgoing messages.

Using the application via the SNMP protocol

This section provides instructions on using the application via the SNMP protocol and configuring traps for events that occur during operation of Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway.

Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway event log

This section contains information about the event log and how to configure it.

Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway operation reports

This section provides instructions on creating and viewing Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway operation reports.

Black and white lists of addresses

This section contains information about black and white lists of email addresses that you can create and edit in Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway.

Using the TLS protocol in the operation of Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway

This section contains information about using the TLS protocol in the operation Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway and instructions on how to configure the protocol usage settings.

Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway message queue

This section contains information about Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway message queues.

Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway trace log

This section contains information about the Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway trace log.

Contacting the Technical Support Service

This section describes the ways to get technical support and the terms on which it is available.


This section contains a list of terms mentioned in the document and their definitions.

AO Kaspersky Lab

This section provides information about AO Kaspersky Lab.

Information about third-party code

This section provides information about the third-party code used in the application.

Trademark notices

This section lists trademarks of third-party manufacturers that are used in the document.


This section allows you to quickly find the required information within the document.

See also

About this Help

Document conventions

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