Editing an integration

Editing an integration means renaming it or editing the list of workspaces and administrators that are related to the integration, that is, adding or removing workspaces and administrators to / from the integration.

To edit an integration:

  1. On the Kaspersky tab of ConnectWise Automate Control Center, go to the Integration settings section. For details, refer to Creating a new integration, steps 1–5.
  2. In the Select integration drop-down list, select the integration that you want to edit.
  3. If you want to rename the integration, click the Rename link and provide the new integration name in the dialog box that opens. The Integration name field cannot be blank.

    For an integration with Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud, click the View integration ID link under the integration name to view the identifier of the integration. You may have to provide this ID to Kaspersky Lab Technical Support for diagnostics and troubleshooting.

  4. If you want to edit the list of workspaces for your integration, refer to Editing the list of integration workspaces.
  5. If you want to edit the list of administrators for your integration, refer to Editing the list of integration administrators.
  6. To save changes, close the System Dashboard window when you have finished editing the integration settings.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud integration with ConnectWise Automate is now updated.

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