Actions to perform after Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security installation
After you install Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security, we recommend that you update Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security databases on the devices, and perform a Critical Areas Scan of the devices if no anti-virus applications with enabled real-time protection were installed on the devices before installation of Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security.
If the protected devices on which Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security was installed are part of the same administration group in the Kaspersky Security Center, you can perform these tasks using the following methods:
- Create Database Update tasks for the group of protected devices on which Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security was installed. Set the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server as the update source.
- Create an On-Demand Scan group task with the Critical Areas Scan status. Kaspersky Security Center evaluates the security status of each protected device in the group based on the results of this task, not based on the results of the Critical Areas Scan task.
- Create a new policy for the group of protected devices. In the policy properties, in the Application settings section, deactivate the scheduled start of local system on-demand scan tasks and the Database Update tasks on the administration group's protected devices in the settings of the Run local system tasks subsection.
You can also configure administrator notifications about Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security events.