Kaspersky Secure Mobility Management

Configuring synchronization settings

January 27, 2025

ID 88051

To manage mobile devices and receive reports or statistics from mobile devices of users, you must configure the synchronization settings. Mobile device synchronization with Kaspersky Security Center may be performed in the following ways:

  • By schedule. Synchronization by schedule is performed by using the HTTP protocol. You can configure the synchronization schedule in the group policy settings. Modifications to group policy settings, commands and tasks will be performed when the device is synchronizing with Kaspersky Security Center according to the schedule, i.e. with a delay. By default, mobile devices are synchronized with the Kaspersky Security Center automatically every 6 hours.
  • Forced. Forced synchronization is performed by using push notifications of the FCM service (Firebase Cloud Messaging). Forced synchronization is primarily intended for timely delivery of commands to a mobile device. It might be useful when a device is in battery saver mode, because in this case the app may perform tasks later than specified. If you want to use forced synchronization, make sure that the FCM settings are configured in Kaspersky Security Center.

To configure the settings of mobile device synchronization with the Kaspersky Security Center:

  1. In the console tree, in the Managed devices folder, select the administration group to which the Android devices belong.
  2. In the workspace of the group, select the Policies tab.
  3. Open the policy properties window by double-clicking any column.

    Complete the following steps within 15 minutes. Otherwise, you may face an error when saving changes to the policy.

  4. In the policy Properties window, select the Synchronization section.
  5. Select the frequency of synchronization in the Synchronize drop-down list.
  6. To disable synchronization of a device with Kaspersky Security Center while roaming, select the Do not synchronize while roaming check box.

    The device user can manually perform synchronization in the app settings (ks4android_settings_buttonSettingsSynchronizationSynchronize).

  7. To hide synchronization settings (server address, port and administration group) from the user in the app settings, clear the Show synchronization settings on device check box. It is impossible to modify hidden settings.
  8. To receive the device's location history, select the Send device location history during synchronization check box in the Device location history block. The location history will be sent to the Administration Server during each synchronization.

    The functionality must be used in accordance with the requirements of local legislation, with the notification or consent (depending on the requirements of the legislation) of the person using the device to enable the location tracking functionality on the device.

    Enabling this setting and specifying the geofence area will result in increased device power consumption.

    This setting works only if the Device location history informational event type is stored in the Administration Server database. The events are configured in the Events section of the policy properties. For more details, please refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Help.

  9. In the How often to get the device location drop-down list, specify the frequency of getting the device location. The default value is Every 15 minutes.

    Due to technical limitations on Android devices, the device location may be retrieved less often than specified.

  10. Click the Apply button to save the changes you have made.

Mobile device settings are changed after the next device synchronization with Kaspersky Security Center. You can manually synchronize the mobile device by using a special command. To learn more about working with commands for mobile devices, please refer to the "Sending commands" section.

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