KSC Open API  13.1
Kaspersky Security Center API description
int HostGroup::FindHostsAsyncGetAccessor ( wstring  strRequestId,
[out] wstring  strAccessor,
[out] params  pFailedSlavesInfo 

Receives a result of the asynchronous FindHostsAsync operation.

strRequestId(wstring) ID of the asynchronous operation.
[out]strAccessor(wstring) result set ID. Identifier of the server-side ordered collection of found hosts. The result set is destroyed and associated memory is freed in the following cases:
[out]pFailedSlavesInfo(params) information about the secondary servers the search for which failed due to various reasons. Contains the KLGRP_FAILED_SLAVES_PARAMS array with the following attributes:
  • KLSRVH_SRV_ID - Secondary server ID (paramInt)
  • KLSRVH_SRV_DN - Displayed name of the secondary server (paramString)
(int) number of the found hosts.