KSC Open API  13.1
Kaspersky Security Center API description
array HostGroup::SS_GetNames ( wstring  strHostName,
wstring  strType,
wstring  strProduct,
wstring  strVersion 

Gets names of sections from the host settings storage.

If the product is empty, then the names section will contain all product names. If the product is not empty and the version is empty, then the names section will contain all versions for the specified product name. If the product and version are not empty, then the names section will contain all sections for the specified product and version.

strHostName(wstring) host name. Unique string generated by the server.
strType(wstring) type of storag, for example, "SS_SETTINGS".
strProduct(wstring) product name. Non-empty string. Can contain no more than 31 character. Do not use the following characters: /\:*?"<>.
strVersion(wstring) version. Non-empty string. Can contain no more than 31 character. Do not use the following characters: /\:*?"<>.
(array) array of strings with the names section.
See also:
Local settings and policy format for some products

See also how to use the KlAkOAPI Python package:

            server = KlAkOAPI.AdmServer.KlAkAdmServer.Create("https://ksc.example.com:13299", "username", "password", verify = False)
            oHostGroup = KlAkOAPI.HostGroup.KlAkHostGroup(server)
            # host details
            strHostId = ...
            # get names of sections
            oSSSections = oHostGroup.SS_GetNames(strHostId, "SS_SETTINGS", "1103", "").RetVal()
            print("Settings dump - Begin")
            for oSection in oSSSections:
                # read each section one by one
                oParData = oHostGroup.SS_Read(strHostId, "SS_SETTINGS", "1103", "", oSection).RetVal()
            print("Settings dump - End")