KSC Open API  13.1
Kaspersky Security Center API description
LicenseInfoSync::AcquireKeysForProductOnHost ( wstring  szwHostName,
wstring  szwProduct,
wstring  szwVersion,
[out] wstring  wstrActiveKey,
[out] wstring  wstrReservedKey 

Acquire serial numbers of the active and reserved licenses on the host.

szwHostName(wstring) Host ID (see "KLLICSRV_HOSTNAME" attribute of List of host-specific license attributes List of host-specific license attributes), mandatory.
szwProduct(wstring) Product ID (see "KLLICSRV_PRODUCT" attribute of List of host-specific license attributes List of host-specific license attributes), mandatory.
szwVersion(wstring) Version (see "KLLICSRV_VERSION" attribute of List of host-specific license attributes List of host-specific license attributes), mandatory.
Return values:
wstrActiveKey(wstring) License key serial number of the active key.
wstrReservedKey(wstring) License key serial number of the reserved key.
Throwsexception in case of error.