KSC Open API  13.1
Kaspersky Security Center API description
params LicenseInfoSync::GetKeyDataForHost ( wstring  szwSerial,
wstring  szwHostName,
wstring  szwProduct,
wstring  szwVersion 

Get host-specific key data.

szwSerial(wstring) License key serial number (see "KLLIC_SERIAL" attribute of List of license key attributes List of license key attributes), mandatory.
szwHostName(wstring) Host ID (see "KLLICSRV_HOSTNAME" attribute of List of host-specific license attributes List of host-specific license attributes), mandatory.
szwProduct(wstring) Product ID (see "KLLICSRV_PRODUCT" attribute of List of host-specific license attributes List of host-specific license attributes), mandatory.
szwVersion(wstring) Version (see "KLLICSRV_VERSION" attribute of List of host-specific license attributes List of host-specific license attributes), mandatory.
(params) container with the requested key attribute values. See List of license key attributes List of license key attributes for attribute names.
Throwsexception in case of error.