KSC Open API  13.1
Kaspersky Security Center API description
LicenseKeys::CheckIfSaasLicenseIsValid ( params  pInData,
boolean  bAsCurrent 

Check if license can be installed to the adm. server.
License is treated as a valid one if it is suitable for being used by the adm. server itself (its AppId is 1017, it is not expired etc.)

pInData(params) container of input attributes, mandatory. Attributes are allowed here:
  • "KLLIC_SERIAL" - serial number of the license being checked, mandatory (paramString). The license must be placed in the license store before checking (see InstallKey).
bAsCurrent(boolean) true if license should be checked in place of active one, false otherwise.
KLSTD::STDE_NOTPERMlicense is not valid, see Some error definitions.
KLERR::Error*if an error occurred during the checking process.