KSC Open API  13.1
Kaspersky Security Center API description
params LicenseKeys::GetKeyData ( params  pKeyInfo)

Get data of a key.

pKeyInfo(params) container which must contain "KLLIC_SERIAL" attribute to specify the interested license.
For any attribute to query you must put such attribute with any value into the container pKeyInfo.
In particular, if you need the key body then put into pKeyInfo container the attribute with name "KLLICSRV_KEYDATA" of type (boolean). If the license key has been uploaded to the Administration Server so that and Administration Server has license key body then it will be returned in "KLLICSRV_KEYDATA" attribute. Note that the additional "ExportLicense" access right must be set up to the user under which this call is made.
(params) container with the requested key attribute values. See List of license key attributes for attribute names.
Throwsexception in case of error.