KSC Open API  13.1
Kaspersky Security Center API description
ReportManager::CreateChartPNG ( params  pChartData,
params  pOptions,
[out] binary  pPngData 

Creates an image in the PNG format with the chart data.

pChartData(params) chart data received from the ReportManager.ExecuteReportAsyncGetData method.
pOptions(params) additional options, which are optional. See the description below.
[out]pPngData(binary) image with the chart data. See Chart parameters structure.

Format of the pOptions parameter (if it is not empty):

            +--- (params)
                +---RPT_CHART_WIDTH = (paramInt) chart width, in pixels. Optional if RPT_CHART_HEIGHT is set.
                +---RPT_CHART_HEIGHT = (paramInt) chart height, in pixels. Optional if RPT_CHART_WIDTH is set.
            server = KlAkOAPI.AdmServer.KlAkAdmServer.Create("https://ksc.example.com:13299", "username", "password")
            oReportManager = KlAkOAPI.ReportManager.KlAkReportManager(server)
            strResultFolderName = "Result"
            # get the root group ID
            nGroupId = KlAkOAPI.HostGroup.KlAkHostGroup(server).GroupIdGroups().RetVal()
            # compose parameters with information about dashboards that we want to generate
            # dashboard type 20: current state of the most anti-virus protection (number of hosts with the Critical, Warning, or OK status). 
            hostsUUID = str(uuid.uuid4())
            parDashboards = KlAkOAPI.Params.KlAkParams({hostsUUID: {'KLRPT_DSH_TYPE': 20, 'id': nGroupId}})
            # compose one request for three dashboards
            parRequestParams = KlAkOAPI.Params.KlAkParams({'KLPPT_DASHBOARD': parDashboards})
            # gathering statistics requires time, one dashboard can be done earlier than others, so check progress by a timer
            while True:
                # request statistics for dashboards that are not ready yet by this time
                strRequestId = oReportManager.RequestStatisticsData(parRequestParams).OutPar('strRequestId')
                # wait while the statistics is collected and prepared
                # get a result
                pResultData = oReportManager.GetStatisticsData(strRequestId).OutPar('pResultData')
                if pResultData == None:
                if 'KLPPT_DASHBOARD' in pResultData:            
                    # the statistics is ready, now make charts with received data
                    pDashboards = pResultData['KLPPT_DASHBOARD']
                    # create a folder for the result
                    if not os.path.exists(strResultFolderName):
                    if hostsUUID in pDashboards:
                        # compose parameters with the statistics data for a chart
                        hostsDash = pDashboards[hostsUUID]    
                        parChartData = KlAkOAPI.Params.KlAkParams({'data': [hostsDash.GetValue('nOkCount'), hostsDash.GetValue('nWrnCount'), hostsDash.GetValue('nCrtCount')], 'name': hostsUUID})
                        parChartInfo = KlAkOAPI.Params.KlAkParams({})
                        parChartInfo.AddArray('KLRPT_CHART_DATA', [parChartData])
                        parChartInfo.AddString('KLRPT_CHART_DATA_DESC', 'Current state of the most anti-virus protection ')
                        parChartInfo.AddString('KLRPT_CHART_LGND_DESC', 'number of hosts with:')
                        parChartInfo.AddArray('KLRPT_CHART_SERIES', ['Ok protection status', 'Warning protection status', 'Critical protection status'])
                        parChartInfo.AddBool('KLRPT_CHART_PIE', True)
                        # create a chart and download a result file
                        res = oReportManager.CreateChartPNG(parChartInfo, {'RPT_CHART_WIDTH': 600, 'RPT_CHART_HEIGHT': 600})
                        strChartFilename = os.path.join(strResultFolderName, 'hosts_dash.png')
                        with open(strChartFilename, 'wb') as f:
                            packet = base64.b64decode(res.OutPar('pPngData'))
                        print('Anti-virus protection on hosts chart is ready:', strChartFilename)