KSC Open API  13.1
Kaspersky Security Center API description
ReportManager::GetStatisticsData ( wstring  strRequestId,
[out] params  pResultData 

Receives the result of the ReportManager::RequestStatisticsData operation. Deprecated function.

The function is deprecated since Kaspersky Security Center 12 patch B.

Receives the result of the asynchronous ReportManager::RequestStatisticsData operation, such as statistics, general statuses, and dashboards data. After sending a request to read statistics data, you need to periodically poll the status of this operation. Until this operation is completed, the output will be absent.

                +--- (paramParams)

For every requested dashboard, which data is already ready, the output statistics data contains an entry (paramParams) inside the "KLPPT_DASHBOARD" parameter (paramParams) with the same requested unique name (GUID). This name contains the the requested dashboard data according to the list of types and attributes of dashboards with statistics.

If the "KLPPT_DASHBOARD" parameter is in the output parameters, but some requested dashboard data are missing, then a further request to read statistics data later is required.

                +--- (paramParams)
                   +---KLPPT_DASHBOARD (paramParams)

An asynchronous operation is considered completed if the response contains data. After this, the request ID becomes invalid. To build a new statistic, send a request to build it again. Do not close a session until data by all the dashboard statistics is received.

A possible scenario to receive the dashboard data is presented below:

                -> request to read the statistics data
                    +--- (paramParams)
                        +---KLPPT_DASHBOARD (paramParams)
                            +---<GUID 1> (paramParams)
                            |   +---<input parameters 1>
                            +---<GUID 2> (paramParams)
                                +---<input parameters 2>
                <- the operation of reading the statistics data is started
                    asyncRequestId (paramString)
                -> get the operation information
                    asyncRequestId (paramString)
                <- operation information
                    +--- (paramParams)
                -> get the operation information
                    asyncRequestId (paramString)
                <- operation information
                    +--- (paramParams)
                -> get the operation information
                    asyncRequestId (paramString)
                <- operation information
                    +--- (paramParams)
                        +---KLPPT_DASHBOARD (paramParams)
                -> request to read the statistics data
                    +--- (paramParams)
                        +---KLPPT_DASHBOARD (paramParams)
                            +---<GUID 1> (paramParams)
                            |   +---<input parameters 1>
                            +---<GUID 2> (paramParams)
                                +---<input parameters 2>
                <- the operation of reading the statistics data is started
                    asyncRequestId (paramString)
                -> get the operation information
                    asyncRequestId (paramString)
                <- operation information
                    +--- (paramParams)
                <- operation information
                    +--- (paramParams)
                        +---KLPPT_DASHBOARD (paramParams)
                            +---<GUID 2> (paramParams)
                                +---<output statistics 2>
                -> request to read the statistics data
                    +--- (paramParams)
                        +---KLPPT_DASHBOARD (paramParams)
                            +---<GUID 1> (paramParams)
                            |   +---<input parameters 1>
                            +---<GUID 2> (paramParams)
                                +---<input parameters 2>
                <- the operation of reading the statistics data is started
                    asyncRequestId (paramString)
                -> get the operation information
                    asyncRequestId (paramString)
                <- operation information
                    +--- (paramParams)
                <- operation information
                    +--- (paramParams)
                        +---KLPPT_DASHBOARD (paramParams)
                            +---<GUID 1> (paramParams)
                            |   +---<output statistics 1>
                            +---<GUID 2> (paramParams)
                                +---<output statistics 2>
strRequestId(wstring) ID of an asynchronous operation.
[out]pResultData(params) result data. See List of statistics result dataset.