KSC Open API  13.1
Kaspersky Security Center API description
int ServerHierarchy::FindSlaveServers ( wstring  wstrFilter,
array  pFieldsToReturn,
array  pFieldsToOrder,
params  pParams,
int  lMaxLifeTime,
[out] wstring  wstrIterator 

Searches for secondary servers meeting specified criteria.

wstrFilterfilter string, see search filter syntax. Following search fields are supported:
  • "KLSRVH_SRV_GROUPID_GP" (paramInt) - parent group id
  • "KLHST_WKS_CREATED" (paramDateTime) - time of host record creation.
As well as following secondary server attributes:
pFieldsToReturnnames of attributes to return. Following attributes are supported:
  • "name" (paramString) - administration group name where the secondary Administration Server is located
  • "KLHST_WKS_CREATED" (paramDateTime) - time of host record creation
As well as following secondary server attributes:
pFieldsToOrdernames of columns to sort by, must be a subset of pFieldsToReturn parameter
lMaxLifeTimemax lifetime of accessor (sec)
pParamsreserved for future use, use empty paramParams container
[out]wstrIteratorresult-set id, use ChunkAccessor interface to iterate over found secondary server parameters
number of records found