KSC Open API  13.1
Kaspersky Security Center API description
int ServerHierarchy::RegisterServer ( wstring  wstrDisplName,
int  nGroupId,
binary  pCertificate,
wstring  wstrNetAddress,
params  pAdditionalInfo 

Register new secondary server for the specified group.

Secondary server registration requires performing actions on both secondary and primary servers. This method is registering secondary server and should be called on primary server. Some method parameters are optional, depending on whether secondary server is passive or active.
See Secondary Administration Server registration for details.

wstrDisplNamesecondary server display name.
nGroupIdadministration group id where to locate secondary server.
pCertificatesecondary server certificate, same as used to connect to secondary server by administration console
wstrNetAddresssecondary server location in format 'http://server_addr:server_port', e.g. 'http://secondaryserveraddr.local:13000'. Value required only for passive secondary servers registration, otherwise it should be empty.
pAdditionalInfoAdditional information for the secondary server, optional. Currently only one attribute is supported:
secondary server id
See also:
Sample. Creating and destroying primary/secondary relation.