KSC Open API  13.1
Kaspersky Security Center API description
ServerTransportSettings::SetCustomSrvCertificate ( wstring  szwCertType,
params  pCertData 

SetCustomSrvCertificate. Sets custom certificate for one of SC Server's SSL listener.

szwCertTypeCertificate type (can be "CERT_TYPE_MOBILE", "CERT_TYPE_EMBEDDED")
pCertDataParams with custom certificate data (see Common format for certificate parameters) and fields below:
                "CERT_USE"              [paramBool], it indicates if custom certificate feature is enabled or disabled for this certificate type (szwCertType).
                "CERT_CHANGE_TIMEOUT"   [paramInt], optional, seconds, certificate change timeout for reserve certificates. It should be set for reserve certificate only.
                Note that certificate can be in one format only - PEM or PKCS12.
                If pCertData is NULL or empty then settings will be completely removed.
                If "CERT_USE" is true and no any certificate was saved before then KLSTD::STDE_BADPARAM will be thrown.
                If "CERT_USE" is false then no any other parameters required because only "CERT_USE" will be applied.
See also: