KSC Open API  13.1
Kaspersky Security Center API description
params ServerTransportSettings::GetCustomSrvCertificateInfo ( wstring  szwCertType)

GetCustomSrvCertificateInfo. Returns information about custom certificate.

szwCertTypeCertificate type (can be "CERT_TYPE_MOBILE", "CERT_TYPE_EMBEDDED")
If certificate present then params with the fields below will be returned:
                "CERT_USE"                          [paramBool], it indicates if custom certificate feature is enabled or disabled for this certificate type (szwCertType);
                "CERT_PUB"                          [paramBinary], certificate's public key;
                "TRSP_RESERVE_CERT_PUB"             [paramBinary], optional, reserve certificate's public key;
                "TRSP_RESERVE_CERT_ACTIVATION_DATE" [DATETIME_T], optional, reserve certificate's activation date;
                In case if custom certificate was not set before then empty params will be returned with no any fields;
                In case if custom certificate was set but disabled then params with ["CERT_USE"] field set to false will be returned.
See also: