Kaspersky Security Center API description
List of user attributes

List of user attributes is presented below.

"KLSPL_USER_ID"paramIntUser ID.
"KLSPL_USER_NAME"paramStringUser name. 256 characters max.
"KLSPL_USER_PWD"paramStringPlain text user password. The maximum number of characters is 16. Obsolete.
"KLSPL_USER_PWD_ENCRYPTED"paramBinaryEncrypted user password.
"KLSPL_USER_FULL_NAME"paramStringUser full name. The maximum number of characters is 512.
"KLSPL_USER_DESCRIPTION"paramStringUser description. The maximum number of characters is 1024.
"KLSPL_USER_MAIL"paramStringUser mail. The maximum number of characters is 256. No validation.
"KLSPL_USER_PHONE"paramStringUser phone. The maximum number of characters is 64. No validation.
"KLSPL_USER_ENABLED"paramBoolThe attribute accepts true if the user account is enabled.
"KLSPL_USER_UIS"paramBoolUser account is based on UIS. For hosted server only.
"KLSPL_USER_REQUEST_PASSWORD"paramBoolRequest a password when changing account settings.

Protect password as an encrypted UTF16 string with the server (global) key.