Kaspersky Security Center API description
Unified mobile devices list

View name: UmdmDevices

Common Device Information
Dev_IdparamIntUnified digital device ID
Dev_ProtocolIdparamIntProtocol ID, see: Mobile device protocol ID
Dev_BinIdparamBinaryBinary device ID
Dev_ModelparamStringDevice model name
Dev_OSparamStringDevice OS name
Dev_FrNameparamStringDevice friendly name
Dev_IMEIparamStringDevice IMEI
Dev_PhNumberparamStringDevice phone number
Dev_AliasparamStringDevice alias
Dev_SupportedCmdsparamLongMask of supported commands
Dev_StatusparamIntDevice status, see KLMDM_DEVICE_STATUS
Dev_MultitenancyparamBoolDevice is managed by a server in the multitenancy mode
Dev_InTrashparamBoolDevice will be in the trash if the command KILL_ME or DELETE_APP is executed on it
Dev_VServerIdparamIntDevice virtual server ID
Dev_LastCmdTypeparamStringLatest command type, such as "Wipe" or "Block" etc., see: KLMDM_JRNL_CMD_TYPE
Dev_LastRecTypeparamIntLast command status, see: KLMDM_JRNL_RECORD_TYPE
Dev_LatestConnectionTimeDATETIME_TLatest time when the device connected to the server
Information of a host associated with the device
HostIdparamStringString host ID
Host_VServerIdparamIntHost virtual server ID
HostDisplayNameparamStringHost display name
Host_GroupparamIntHost group ID
KLHST_WKS_FROM_UNASSIGNEDparamBoolIf host is located in unassigned
KLHST_WKS_IP_LONGparamLongHost IPv4 address (little-endian byte order)
KLHST_WKS_CREATEDparamDateTimeTime when the host has been added to the DB, in UTC.
Device owner information
OwnerBinIdparamBinaryOwner binary ID
OwnerDisplayNameparamStringOwner display name
OwnerMailparamStringOwner e-mail
OwnerMailExtraparamStringOwner extra e-mail
OwnerMobileparamStringOwner mobile phone number
OwnerPhoneNumberparamStringOwner phone number
OwnerPhoneNumberExtraparamStringOwner extra phone number
OwnerSamAccountNameparamStringOwner SAM Account Name
OwnerSamDomainNameparamStringOwner SAM domain name
OwnerJobTitleparamStringOwner job title
OwnerDepartmentparamStringOwner department
OwnerCompanyparamStringOwner company
Apple devices specific data
DeviceUDIDparamStringDevice UDID
ActivityDateparamDateTimeLatest date of activity
DisplayCmdListparamStringList of commands assigned to the device, separated by a delimiter
DisplayProfListparamStringList of configuration profiles assigned to the device, separated by a delimiter
BuildVersionparamStringOS build version
ModelparamStringModel number
ProductNameparamStringModel string code
SerialNumberparamStringDevice serial number
DevCapacityparamIntDevice capacity in gigabytes
CellTechnologyparamIntCellular communication type:
  • 0 - Unknown
  • 1 - GSM
  • 2 - CDMA
  • 3 - GSM and CDMA
MEIDparamStringDevice MEID
ModemFWVersionparamStringDevice modem firmware version
ICCIDparamStringSIM card ICC ID
BluetoothMACparamStringBluetooth MAC address
WiFiMACparamStringWiFi MAC address
CurrentNetworkparamStringCurrent cellular communication name
SubsNetworkparamStringHome cellular communication name
CarrSetVersionparamStringCarrier settings version
VoiceRoamingOnparamBoolTrue, if the voice roaming is enabled
DataRoamingOnparamBoolTrue, if the downloading data is enabled in roaming
IsRoamingparamBoolTrue, if in roaming
SubsMCCparamStringHome network country code
SubsMNCparamStringHome network code
CurrentMCCparamStringCurrent country code
CurrentMNCparamStringCurrent network code
EncryptionCapsparamIntdata encryption possibilities by the device:
  • 0 - EncryptionNone,
  • 1 - BlockLevel,
  • 2 - FileLevel,
  • 3 - BothLevel
PwdPresentparamBoolTrue, if password is set
PwdCompliantparamBoolTrue, if password is compatible to all requirements, including Exchange and other accounts
PwdCompliantProfparamBoolTrue, if password is compatible to all profiles
OwnerInfoparamStringDevice owner information taken from client certificate
OwnerCertSha1HashparamBinarySHA1 hash of a certificate that used for owner authentication
DeviceStatusparamIntThe status of the device:
  • 0 - DeviceOK
  • 1 - DeviceNotManaged
  • 2 - DeviceWiped
OSVersionparamStringOS version
IMEIparamStringDevice IMEI
Active Sync devices specific data
AS_IdentityparamStringActiveSync ID
AS_FirstSyncTimeparamDateTimeFirst sync time
AS_LastSuccessSyncparamDateTimeLast success sync time
AS_LastPolicyUpdateTimeparamDateTimeLast policy update time
AS_DeviceWipeSentTimeparamDateTimeTime when wipe command was sent to the Exchange server
AS_DeviceWipeRequestTimeparamDateTimeTime when wipe command was requested by the device
AS_DeviceWipeAckTimeparamDateTimeTime when wipe command was completed on the device
AS_DevicePolicyAppliedparamStringApplied on the device policy name
AS_DevicePolicyApplicationStatusparamIntCurrent country code
AS_StatusparamIntPolicy status:
  • 0 - Unknown
  • 1 - AppliedInFull
  • 2 - NotApplied
  • 3 - PartiallyApplied
AS_DeviceIdparamStringDevice ID
AS_IsRemoteWipeSupportedparamBoolTrue, if wipe command is supported
AS_DeviceOSLanguageparamStringOS language localization
AS_DeviceActiveSyncVersionparamStringActiveSync client version on the device side
AS_EmailIdparamStringMailbox ID
AS_EmailparamStringMailbox display name
AS_EmailDisplayNameparamStringOwner display name
AS_ObjectGUIDparamStringActiveSync ObjectGUID
Mobile protocol (KES) specific data
KES_SupportSyncparamBoolTrue, if the device supports synchronization with the server
KES_SupportSmsparamBoolTrue, then the device can be used as SMS-sender
KES_MayUseSmsSendingsparamBoolTrue, then the Administration Server is allowed to send SMSs via this device
KES_SupportGcmparamBoolTrue, then the Administration Server can send GCM push notifications to the device (Android only)
KES_SupportCcparamBoolTrue, then the Administration Server can send custom commands to the device
KES_PolicyComplainparamBoolTrue, if the device does not comply with the policy
KES_DescriptionparamStringDevice description
KES_VendorparamStringDevice vendor
KES_InvNumberparamStringSSAID (Android ID)
KES_LocationparamStringDevice location
KES_LocationDateparamDateTimeTime when the device location was received
KES_CPUparamStringDevice CPU
KES_RAMparamLongDevice RAM size
KES_DiskVolumeparamLongDevice disk volume size
KES_FreeDiskVolumeparamLongDevice free disk volume size
KES_MacAddressparamLongDevice MAC address (big-endian byte order)

See also: