Kaspersky Security Center API description
params HostGroup::GetStaticInfo ( array  pValues)

Returns the server statistics.

pValues(array) string array with names of requested values. The possible values are the following:
  • KLADMSRV_SERVER_CERT - Server certificate (paramBinary)
  • KLADMSRV_SERVER_KEY - Server key (paramBinary)
  • InstancePort - Instance port (paramInt)
  • KLADMSRV_SERVER_ADDRESSSES - Array of server addresses that can be used by clients to connect to the administration server (paramArray|paramString)
  • KLADMSRV_SERVER_ACCOUNT - Name of account used by Administration Server (paramString)
  • KLADMSRV_OLA_ROOTCER_ACTUAL - Array of allowed OLA certificates, paramArray, each entry is a certificate as 'DER-encoded binary X.509' of type paramBinary
  • KLADMSRV_OLA_ROOTCER_REVOKED - Array of disallowed (revoked) OLA certificates, paramArray, each entry is a certificate as 'DER-encoded binary X.509' of type paramBinary
  • KLSRV_SP_INSTANCE_ID - Section 87 attributes A unique InstanceId used for connections between servers in the hierarchy (paramString)

If pValues is NULL, then values described below will be returned:

  • KLADMSRV_IS_VIRTUAL - True if the server is virtual (paramBool).
  • KLADMSRV_VSID - VS ID (paramInt).
  • KLADMSRV_GRP_ROOT - group root ID (paramInt).
  • KLADMSRV_GRP_UNASSIGNED - ID of the group with unassigned devices (paramInt).
  • KLADMSRV_GRP_SUPER - ID of the super group (paramInt).
  • KLADMSRV_SERVER_VERSION_ID - Server version ID (paramInt). See Kaspersky Security Center version constants.
  • KLADMSRV_B2B_CLOUD_MODE - True if the server is installed in the 'B2B Cloud' mode (paramBool).
  • KLADMSRV_PCLOUD_MODE - True if the public cloud support mode is turned on (paramBool).
  • KLADMSRV_PRODUCT_FULL_VERSION - Server product full version (paramString).
  • KLADMSRV_SERVER_HOSTNAME - Server host name (paramString).
  • KLADMSRV_PRODUCT_VERSION - Server product version (paramString).
  • KLADMSRV_PRODUCT_NAME - Server product name (paramString).
  • KLADMSRV_FORCE_SYNC_SUPPORTED - True if the forced sync is supported (paramBool).
  • KLADMSRV_MAINTENANCE_SUPPORTED - True if the maintenance task is supported (paramBool).
  • KLADMSRV_NAGENT_RUNNING - True if Network Agent is running (paramBool).
  • KLADMSRV_NAC_IS_BEING_USED - True if NAC is used (paramBool).
  • KLADMSRV_SPL_PPC_ENABLED - True if the password policy compliance for SPL users is enabled (paramBool).
  • KLSRV_NETSIZE - Network size (paramInt).
  • KLADMSRV_USERID - ID of the user account. Accepts NULL if the OS user account is used (paramInt).
  • KLADMSRV_NEED_UNC_PATH - True if the UNC path must be specified in the backup task settings (paramBool).
  • KLADMSRV_EV_EV_SIZE - Average size of a single event, in KB (paramDouble).
  • KLADMSRV_LINUX_EDITION - Administration Server Linux Edition (paramBool).
  • KLADMSRV_KSC_MODE - Administration Server operation mode (paramInt).
  • KLADMSRV_HOSTED_TYPE - Hosted mode type (paramInt).
  • KLSRV_SP_INSTANCE_ID - Section 87 attributes A unique InstanceId used for connections between servers in the hierarchy (paramString)
(params) requested values.

See also how to use the KlAkOAPI Python package:

            server = KlAkOAPI.AdmServer.KlAkAdmServer.Create("https://ksc.example.com:13299", "username", "password", verify = False)
            oHostGroup = KlAkOAPI.HostGroup.KlAkHostGroup(server)
            # get ID of the root group ('Managed devices' group)
            oInfo = oHostGroup.GetStaticInfo(None).RetVal()
            print('Server version is', oInfo['KLADMSRV_SERVER_VERSION_ID'])