Kaspersky Security Center API description
HostGroup::SS_Write ( wstring  strHostName,
wstring  strType,
wstring  strProduct,
wstring  strVersion,
wstring  strSection,
int  nOption,
params  pSettings 

Writes data into the host settings storage.

strHostName(wstring) host name. Unique string generated by the server.
strType(wstring) type of storage, for example, "SS_SETTINGS".
strProduct(wstring) product name. Non-empty string. Can contain no more than 31 character. Do not use the following characters: /\:*?"<>.
strVersion(wstring) version string. Non-empty string. Can contain no more than 31 character. Do not use the following characters: /\:*?"<>.
strSection(wstring) section name. Non-empty string. Can contain no more than 31 character. Do not use the following characters: /\:*?"<>.
nOption(int) option for writing. Can accept the following values:
  • 1 - "Update". Updates existing variables in the specified section. If a variable does not exist, an error occurs.
  • 2 - "Add". Adds new variables to the specified section. If a variable already exists, an error occurs.
  • 3 - "Replace". Replaces variables in the specified section. If a variable already exists, it will be updates. If a variable does not exist, it will be added.
  • 4 - "Delete". Deletes variables specified in pData from the specified section.
  • 7 - "Clear". Replaces existing section contents with pData, that is the existing section contents will be deleted and variables from pData will be written to the section.
pSettings(params) host settings.
See also:
Local settings and policy format for some products
Sample. Creating and removing a primary/secondary relation