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How to send feedback about the Devices on My Network component

To send feedback to Kaspersky about the operation of the Devices on My Network component:

  1. Open the main application window.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Go to the Privacy block, and click the Details button in the Devices on My Network section.
    • In the main application window, click the Details button in the Devices on My Network section.
    • Click the <network name> link that is displayed in the lower part of the main window.
  3. In the Devices on My Network window, click the dots button and select the item Send feedback.

    The Help us improve! Leave your feedback window opens.

  4. Please rate the component on a 5-point scale by choosing from 1 to 5 stars.
  5. If you awarded a component 3-5 stars:
    1. If you want to add a comment to your feedback, enter it in the Details field.
    2. Select the I agree to provide my personal data (unique ID of my computer) to improve the software and I accept the terms of the Privacy Policy check box.
  6. If you awarded a component 1-2 stars:
    1. If you want to notify Kaspersky about a problem with the Devices on My Network component, select the subject with the closest meaning from the Topic drop-down list.

      You can select one of the following options from the list:

      • Inconvenient to use. Select this item if you are experiencing inconveniences when using the Devices on My Network component.
      • Application takes a long time to search for devices in the network. Select this item if the Devices on My Network component is operating too slowly.
      • Application incorrectly identifies devices in the network. Select this item if the application incorrectly determines the names and/or types of devices connected to the Wi-Fi network or the wireline Ethernet network.
      • Too many notifications about new devices in the network. Select this item if the application shows you too many notifications about new devices in the Wi-Fi network or the wireline Ethernet network.
      • Reduced computer performance. Select this item if the use of the Devices on My Network component slows the performance of your computer.
      • Cannot configure the component. Select this item if you experience difficulties when configuring the Devices on My Network component.
      • Other. Select this item if the problem you are experiencing is not covered by the other items.
    2. If you want to add a comment to your feedback, enter it in the Details field.
    3. Select the I agree to provide my personal data (unique ID of my computer) to improve the software and I accept the terms of the Privacy Policy check box.
  7. Click the Send button.

When this data is sent, Kaspersky receives and processes the following information:

  • Your feedback, which contains an assessment of component performance, the issue topic, and comments.
  • Operating system information and version.
  • Information about the installed application and its version.

Kaspersky receives and processes this information in encrypted form for the purpose of analyzing errors and improving the performance of the Devices on My Network component. Kaspersky does not require you to provide any personal information when sending feedback, and does not collect such information. For details on how personal data is processed, please refer to the Kaspersky Privacy Policy.